Conference Call
Members Attending: Rachel Bicicchi (Millikin University); Marissa Ellermann (Southern Illinois University Carbondale); Susan Franzen, co-chair (Illinois State University); Aaron Harwig (College of DuPage); Joanna Kolendo (Chicago State University); Nester Osorio (Northern Illinois University); Cory Stevens, co-chair (Lake Forest College); Nancy Weichert (University of Illinois at Springfield)
Member Absent: Anne-Marie Green (Kishwaukee College)
CARLI Staff Attending: Elizabeth Clarage; Denise Green
- CARLI Announcements:
- Sara Hill (Lake Land College) resigned from this committee. We welcome two new members, Rachel Bicicchi and Nancy Weichert.
- CARLI continuing education opportunities coming up:
- March 6, 10:00 am to noon: CARLI Created Content Committee sponsored webinar on copyright, consisting of Q&A from the point of view of digitization, with Sara Benson (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign).
- March 6, 11:00 am to noon: Open Educational Resources Task Force, working with LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network will present a joint webinar aimed at faculty on using open educational resources (OER).
- March 19, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm: CARLI Instruction Committee will present a webinar by Marielle McNeal (North Park University) on ideas and strategies on helping faculty teach information literacy.
- March 29, 10:00 am to 11:00 am: CARLI Resource Sharing Committee will present a webinar with Andy Meyer (North Park University) on using Tableau to evaluate data and strategize on using data to change workflows and how to best present data
- April 20, all day: CARLI Preservation Committee will host an open house at the University of Chicago preservation department and the Oriental Institute preservation lab.
- April 23, 24, and 26, all day: Open Textbook Network (OTN) will offer “train the trainer” workshops at Governors State University, Loyola University Chicago, and Heartland Community College. The April 24 workshop at Loyola University Chicago will be streamed. The focus will be on helping librarians and their colleagues learn how to conduct workshops on their own campuses for their own faculty on open textbook adoption and creation.
- November 2, all day: CARLI annual meeting
- CARLI administration would like the committee deliverables, the annual report and the annual project on or before May 31, 2018.
- Member Announcements:
- Lake Forest College’s blended organization (library and information technology) will be split into two entities, following the May 31 retirement of the current director, and positions for a Chief Information Officer (CIO) and library director will be posted soon. Both will report to the Dean of the Faculty.
- Illinois State University is currently hosting candidates on campus for its provost position. A new library dean will be hired after the provost is selected.
- The University of Illinois at Springfield is getting new carpeting, which is leading to a lot of discussions about service points and desks – and “beta desks” in particular. Beta spaces, which can be staffed by reference librarians or other staff, but can also function as collaborative spaces (including makerspaces), have engendered some discussions among libraries wanting to offer more user-oriented and collaborative spaces for research and discovery.
- Open Houses
- Registration and planning for March 15 Open House at Millikin is continuing. Over 35 people have registered (limit is 66). Panel discussions related to new service models will include a panel of Millikin staff discussing university commons needs and one from Quincy University.
- University of St. Francis has expressed interest in hosting an Open House, but we will need to confirm the date (which will be in April) and details by the February 16 in order to have enough time to plan and promote the event.
- Annual Project
- A webpage (not yet public) is taking shape and includes locations, links to documents and presentations.
- Committee members have been adding items to Google docs bibliography ( on single service points.
- Nestor would like to move beyond a simple bibliography into deeper, quasi-analytical, examination of what the research shows.
- January 2018 minutes were approved.
Task Assigned
- Cory took minutes.
- Sue will contact the University of St. Francis to confirm if they are still interested in hosting an April Open House.
Next Meeting
The next Public Services Committee meeting will take place Monday, March 12, 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm (conference call).