CARLI Office, Champaign
Members Attending: Marissa Ellermann, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, by phone; Susan Franzen, co-chair, Illinois State University; Anne-Marie Green, Kishwaukee College; Aaron Harwig, College of DuPage; Nester Osorio, Northern Illinois University; Cory Stevens, Lake Forest College; Richard Stokes, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Members Absent: Joanna Kolendo, Chicago State University; Colleen Shaw, Heartland Community College
CARLI Staff Attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Anne Craig, and Denise Green
- Co-Chair Colleen Shaw has taken a job in a public library and will no longer be on the committee.
- CARLI Update:
- Budget for FY18 12 ½% down from FY15. Careful planning means the organization is in good shape.
- The I-Share Next RFP is close to release. It has been sent to purchasing at U of I. The CARLI Office is estimating that it will be 18 months to two years for implementation.
- CARLI welcomes four new libraries to I-Share next year. They are Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, McHenry County College, Moody Bible Institute, and Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership.
- CARLI Annual Meeting is November 17 in Champaign at the I-Hotel. The Draft Strategic Plan will be discussed.
- The CARLI Board approved the creation of an Institutional Repository Investigative Task Force.
- Mary Burkee retired.
- Anne Craig expressed her pleasure that the ILA Conference has so many academic library presentations, in addition to the IACRL “unconference.”
- Training for a core group in the Open Textbook Network happened in August. The OER Task Force has released a survey. Training from the OTN will be scheduled the week of April 23, 2018.
- CARLI has called for institutions to volunteer to house non-book ‘last copy’ items.
- ProQuest eBooks allows anonymous logon on campus. The issue involving selection of the consortia copy of an item over the local copy of the item is being reviewed by ProQuest.
- Member Updates:
- Richard Stokes announced a new collaborative space on the second floor of the U of I Library.
- Susan Franzen shared that Illinois State is creating a 10 year space utilization master plan.
- Cory Stevens announced a new makerspace and VR space at Lake Forest. The space includes engravers, a 3d printer, laminator, etc. It is an example of the “on-a-shoe-string” makerspace implementation featured during our committee’s open houses last year. She also shared that Lake Forest is moving much of its reference materials to the stacks.
- Marissa Ellermann shared SIUC has a new Chancellor who has set restructuring plans in motion.
- Cory Stevens will replace Colleen Shaw as Co-Chair of the committee.
Tasks Assigned
- For the CARLI Annual Meeting, Anne-Marie Green and Susan Franzen will submit the draft of the one-page-summary of last year’s annual project will incorporating suggestions given at the meeting. They will also prepare the PowerPoint for the presentation.
- Several people will be involved in identifying possible open house sites for 2017/2018. Denise Green will contact Millikin University about hosting an open house March 15 or 16. Richard Stokes will contact Richland Community College about hosting on the same dates. Cory Stevens will contact Augustana. University of St. Frances, Joliet Junior College and Lewis University were also identified as possible sites.
- The Annual Project will be related to the open houses and may include training materials for student workers or best practices in shared services desks.
- Cory Stevens will join a Technical Services Committee conference call if she is able.
- Minutes taken by Anne-Marie Green
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be a conference call on November 13 at 2 pm.