Conference Call
Members attending: Jennifer Sauzer, Co-Chair, Columbia College Chicago; Julia Venetis, Co-Chair, Elmhurst College; Becky Brown, College of DuPage; Susan Franzen, Illinois State University; Paula Garrett, Illinois Math and Science Academy; Richard Stokes, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Members absent: Raeann Dossett, Parkland College; Anne-Marie Eggleston Green, Kishwaukee College; Cory Steven, Lake Forest College
Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Denise Green
- Committee member announcements – nothing at this time
- Data Analytics Task Force – nothing at this time
- CARLI Report
- The CARLI Annual Meeting will be on November 13th.
- I-Share Next Task Force continues to meet and will recommend specifications for the Request for Proposal (RFP) for a new system to the CARLI Board. After the Board reviews the RFP, it will be sent to UI Purchasing. It may take another year before the RFP is released.
- Voyager trainings upcoming – Acquisitions on October 6-7, Circulation on October 8, Cataloging on October 15-16. Meetings will be held at the CARLI office. System Admin trainings can be scheduled on site at your institution, as the information is institution specific.
- Not many other committees have had time to discuss collaborations. Collections has discussed cooperative collection development project and Preservation is working on AV material preservation.
- Discussion on survey resulted in a new draft email announcement, please see draft at the end of the minutes.
- Jennifer volunteered to gather responses and post them on our website.
- Once the survey is developed, it could be sent to either all Directors to have a single person reply for the library or sent to multiple people at each library. Elizabeth and Denise will help with the distribution. We are leaning towards having as many responses as possible from multiple people.
- SFX committee may be interested in the survey.
- Revised email message will be sent as soon as it’s approved to the CARLI Public Services Interest Group, Resource Sharing and Instruction email lists.
- Possible projects will be discussed at next meeting along with any survey responses from the email lists.
- CARLI annual meeting presentation - no news yet, possibly poster sessions.
Tasks Assigned
- Becky appointed minute-taker.
- All committee members will review and edit minutes within 7 days.
- Jennifer will confer with Cory about the email announcement input for the proposed survey.
- Elizabeth/Denise will move the committee information from the group’s previous wiki to the group website/workspace. They will send an email once this is complete.
Next Meeting Date
September 10 from 1:30 to 3:00, via conference call