Conference Call
Members attending: Raeann Dossett (Parkland College); Susan Franzen (Illinois State University), co-chair; Anne-Marie Green (Kishwaukee College); Joanna Kolendo (Chicago State University); Richard Stokes (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Julia Venetis (Elmhurst College)
Members Absent: Marissa Ellerman (Southern Illinois University Carbondale); Colleen Shaw (Heartland Community College); Cory Stevens (Lake Forest College), co-chair
CARLI staff attending: Denise Green
- Kishwaukee College has a new Vice President of Instruction beginning this summer, Joanne Kantner.
- Dean Dane Ward, from Miner Library at ISU, has accepted a new position at Appalachian State University in North Carolina.
- Bill Mischo is now the Acting University Librarian and Dean of Libraries at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Elmhurst College has hired Phillip Riordan from Lynn University as their new Vice President of Student Affairs. He will begin this summer.
- The Preservation Committee is hosting a Collections Care Workshop on April 10.
- There will be a Spring Forum hosted by the Collection Management and Technical Services Committees on April 28.
- CARLI will host a New Directors' Institute on May 3-4 in which newer directors are paired with mentors. This will take place at the CARLI Office.
- There will be Voyager Catalog Client training on May 17 and 18.
- The Resource Sharing Committee will host an Open House on May 19 at Eureka College and Illinois Central College.
- New spots on CARLI committees will be opening soon and a call for volunteers is forthcoming. Raeann Dossett, Richard Stokes and Julia Venetis will be completing their terms this June. Anyone is welcome to volunteer to serve another term if they wish.
- There is no word on the state budget issues at this time.
- There is no report on I-Share Next.
Tasks Assigned
- Julia agreed to take minutes.
- Raeann will collect resources on Makerspaces for our Resource section of the Annual Project.
- Cory and Sue will meet to put together draft of annual report for the committee to review at our April meeting.
- Annual Project: Denise has put together a document for us that will continue to grow into the Annual Project as we add content from the Open Houses.
- Open Houses:
- The open house at the University of Illinois was a big success and very informative. Guests enjoyed seeing two very different Makers Lab environments and hearing from Chad Kahl from ISU about their process in planning for a Maker’s Space in the Milner Library.
- We will host another open house at the Winnetka-Northfield Public Library and Northwestern University on April 3. Registration closes March 24 and is already full.
- We will host our final open house on April 25 at the Harold Washington Library and Illinois Institute of Technology. Registration is filling up fast for this event with only a couple of spaces left.
Next Meeting
Next meeting will be held on Thursday, April 20, 2017, 1:30-3:00 pm.