Conference call
Members attending: Raeann Dossett (Parkland College); Joanna Kolendo (Chicago State University); Colleen Shaw (Heartland Community College); Cory Stevens (Lake Forest College), co-chair
Members absent: Marissa Ellermann (Southern Illinois University Carbondale); Anne-Marie Eggleston Green (Kishwaukee College); Susan Franzen, (Illinois State University); Richard Stokes (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Julia Venetis (Elmhurst College)
CARLI staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage; Denise Green
- Raeann reported Parkland College is laying off several of non-tenured faculty due to budget restraints.
- The minutes from the October 28th meeting were tentatively approved with one remaining question regarding who was going to contact Elmhurst Public Library about visiting their space.
- It was decided that the meeting would continue as planned despite the number of members unable to attend.
- Committee members will complete a Doodle poll that will include possible dates for the open houses and options for places to visit.
- After the Doodle poll is completed, members will approach institutions with possible dates.
Tasks Assigned
- Colleen Shaw agreed to take minutes.
- Cory will create a Doodle poll for the committee to draft dates and options for places to visit.
- Raeann will contact the Independent Media Center in Urbana about visiting their space.
- Denise will ask when the CARLI Resource Sharing Committee is planning to have their open houses so as not to conflict with our planning.
- Denise will email Julie to find out if she was the person who volunteered to contact the Elmhurst Public Library.
- The Makerspaces list was updated on the committee webspace.
- We acknowledged our hesitance to discuss specific times and places for the open houses with several committee members absent.
- We reiterated the goal to provide 3 open house opportunities: one downstate, one Chicago city and one near Chicago.
- It was mentioned that the Chicago open house may be the most difficult to organize because of transportation issues.
- No response has been received from the University of Illinois at Springfield or Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. We are assuming they are not interested or staff is unavailable.
- Interest was expressed in including the Illinois Institute of Technology in the open house visits for the Chicago area in order to examine their process for starting a makerspace on a limited budget.
- We discussed the location of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign as an open house for the central Illinois area:
- The possibility of visiting two spaces in Urbana was mentioned as ideal.
- Having attendees park at the CARLI office and carpool to the makerspaces was also mentioned as being a possibility.
- An additional makerspace option, the Independent Media Center, in Urbana was discussed.
- The committee raised the possibility of staff planning makerspaces at ISU or EIU to come to Urbana and speak about their processes.
- Timing for the open houses was discussed broadly in order to provide possible dates for the Doodle poll:
- Spreading them out every 2 weeks was suggested.
- March was proposed as the best month to hold the open houses especially considering spring break when classes are out leading to less disruption and easier parking.
- The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s spring break is March 20-24th but ACRL is March 22-25, and it was assumed that folks will not want to travel twice in one week.
- March 17th or March 7th – 10th were discussed as possibilities.
- CARLI has an event on the March 10th.
- Some CARLI member institutions are closed April 13-17th for Easter. Passover begins April 11.
- Finding dates that work in April was also considered as a possibility.
Next Meeting Date
Thursday, December 15th: 1:30 – 3:00