Conference call
Members attending: Raeann Dossett (Parkland College); Marissa Ellermann (Southern Illinois University Carbondale); Anne-Marie Eggleston Green (Kishwaukee College); Susan Franzen, (Illinois State University), co-chair; Colleen Shaw (Heartland Community College); Cory Stevens (Lake Forest College), co-chair; Richard Stokes (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Julia Venetis (Elmhurst College)
Members absent: Joanna Kolendo (Chicago State University)
CARLI staff attending: Anne Craig, Denise Green
CARLI staff absent: Elizabeth Clarage
- The agenda was approved.
- The minutes of the August 11, 2016 meeting were approved.
- Open House - Short Videos of Tools
- The Committee approved the message to the presenters regarding the creation of short video presentations of the tools they promoted at the March 2016 Public Services Open Houses.
- Sue will speak with Denise regarding using Adobe Connect if the presenters do not have a local software that they wish to use.
- The project will be shared via the CARLI Annouce email list and the CARLI newsletter.
- The Committee will not be presenting their 2015-2016 Annual Project at the CARLI Annual Meeting.
- The Committee decided not to collaborate with the Technical Services Committee, but recommends that the TS Committee should contact Anne-Marie from Kishwaukee College.
- The October meeting date was changed to Friday, October 28 from 2:30-4:00.
Tasks Assigned
- Marissa Ellermann agreed to take minutes.
- Makerspace/Open Houses:
- For the next meeting, all committee members will look at the surrounding areas to see who has makerspaces.
- Each person will focus on their surrounding region to identify potential prospects.
- Denise will compile a list of the ones she has found and she will dedicate part of our work space on the CARLI website, so we can all post. She will send us out a notification once she has got that ready.
- The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has searches underway.
- Southern Illinois University Carbondale has a search underway for a librarian.
- Heartland Community College has approval to re-hire a librarian position.
- The CARLI Annual Meeting is in November on Friday, the 18th at the iHotel in Champaign.
- CARLI Systems will be down on Sunday September 18 from 6am-10am.
- Budget update from Anne - CARLI has not received any additional information. We hope to hear soon regarding the funds that were appropriated to the University of Illinois earlier this year. There has been no news regarding the FY17 stop-gap budget. The CARLI Board meeting is September 16, but currently no news is no news, so we are just waiting.
- Call for Video Participants - Draft Feedback o The text for last year's open house presenters was sent to the committee 15 minutes prior to the meeting.
- Overall it looks good. A few changes were made to the original draft to make it more readable.
- We agreed that it was a good idea to move forward with the video project. If we don't get a good response, we will follow up with phone calls and emails to the email list.
- CARLI software we would use for this is at this point is undetermined. The videos need to be saved in standard video format. MP4 is the best format to use.
- CARLI does have a standard release form for presenters to sign when it does go on CARLI's website.
- Annual Meeting Presentation and Report
- The Committee will not be presenting at the annual meeting. Is anyone planning on attending? Cory will possibly be able to go if no one else is going. Sue also said she might be able to attend, but she can't commit at this point.
- The Annual Meeting one page report was prepared by Elizabeth and Denise. It is in the email along with the meeting agenda for today. It is a summary of our project. The one page reports are considered a take-away to create interest in the project to entice use.
- If you have any questions about the agenda for the annual meeting, they should know more after the CARLI Program Planning Committee meets on Monday, September 19. That committee plans and sets the agenda for the Annual Meeting.
- Annual Project & Open House
- Makerspaces
- Might be a good addition to the open house project. Denise will be getting a list of schools that have makerspaces. Several universities in CARLI have makerspaces, but they aren't necessarily a part of the library. U of I has one . Richard will confirm where it is located possibly in the College of Engineering.
- IIT Library has an exploration space.
- University of Chicago has a makerspace lab.
- Public libraries have makerspaces. We are not going to limit these visits to only academic libraries. If we include public libraries, there will be more than enough options surrounding makerspaces.
- A lot of interest in this project from all committee members, and none of the other CARLI groups are doing a similar project.
- Factors to consider for scheduling these is the traveling and the weather. Focus more towards March and April. Same plan as last year. 3 different open houses will be the plan in March and April throughout the state.
- Potentially combining Makerspace topic with Social Media/Managing Social Media. Make part of the day look at each different section.
- We are open to revisiting libraries from previous years.
- CARLI Committee Collaboration Opportunity o The Committee received an invitation for a possible collaboration opportunity from the CARLI Technical Services Committee.
- Interested in finding out what other people are doing with MS Access. It's used pretty extensively in circulation services. It would be useful for future use when we are doing an ILS migration. Especially if we are wanting to clean up our patron data.
- The Committee had a general concern that many committee members would not be able to contribute to a collaboration because most members are novices or just a step above.
Next Meeting Date
Friday, October 28th: 2:30 - 4:00