Conference Call
Members attending:
Raeann Dossett (Parkland College); Susan Franzen, (Illinois State University), co-chair; Joanna Kolendo (Chicago State University); Colleen Shaw (Heartland Community College); Richard Stokes (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Julia Venetis (Elmhurst College).
Members absent:
Marissa Ellermann (Southern Illinois University Carbondale); Anne-Marie Eggleston Green (Kishwaukee College); Cory Stevens (Lake Forest College), co-chair.
CARLI staff attending:
Elizabeth Clarage; Denise Green.
- No announcements from committee members.
- CARLI Report: In person annual meeting Nov. 18th in Champaign at the I-Hotel Conference Center. Anne Craig may be joining us for future meetings as she continues to learn about the organization.
- Approved May and July minutes.
- Finalized newsletter article.
Tasks assigned:
- Sue will send newsletter article to Michelle Haake.
- Elizabeth will send newsletter article out to public services ig listserv.
- Sue will try to get a list of makerspaces in Illinois libraries from the Milner task force.
- Sue will draft the call for video participants.
- Discussed newsletter article for toolkit.
Annual Project and Open Houses discussion:
- Projects for 2016-17: Brainstormed the idea of more open houses, and the focus of our annual project.
- Makerspaces; Managing Social Media (Hootsuite); managing devices.
- Makerspaces and other technology in the library.
- Social media/Managing social media. Mention of Hootsuite. Could relate to the personal knowledge webinar we did two years ago?
- Makerspaces: What they mean for users and how the library can play a part. Columbia might be a good place for information. Milner has a task force who is researching how to put it together—Sue will see if they have a list of library makerspaces.
- User Experience: Can this encompass makerspaces, social media and technology? Enhancing the user experience.
- How does this relate to PR and Marketing?
Any other committee who is working on areas that might overlap with ours?
Productivity Tools List discussion:
- Discussed putting out a call to last year’s open house presenters inviting them to submit a short video presentations that would be linked to the toolkit. Info that needs to go out in the call for these materials:
- Technical Specs: To run on CARLI web site the video can recorded via Adobe connect, or provided in mp4 format. Alternatively, a YouTube video can be linked to our toolkit.
- Content:
- Overview, what product looks like visually
- Personal information: How I use it, how it saves me time or helps me do my job.
- Ask that the information augment rather than simply repeat what is already presented in the toolkit.
- Deadline: Agreed it would be best not to put out such a call until mid-September, so we can think about this.
Next meeting:
Thursday, September 15, 2016, 1:30-3:00pm