Conference Call
Members attending:
Becky Brown, College of DuPage; Susan Franzen, Illinois State University; Anne-Marie Eggleston Green, Kishwaukee College; Jennifer Sauzer, Co-Chair, Columbia College Chicago; Richard Stokes, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Julia Venetis, Co-Chair, Elmhurst College, Cory Stevens, Lake Forest College.
Members absent: Raeann Dossett, Parkland College; Paula Garrett, Illinois Math and Science Academy
CARLI staff:
Denise Green, attend. Elizabeth Clarage,absent.
• Elmhurst College has a new president.
• UIU libraries are having many construction projects this summer.
CARLI Report:
- New libraries joining I-Share from July 1st include: Black Hawk College, Moline; Meadville-Lombard Theological School, Chicago; and South Suburban College, South Holland.
- New Selection System for online e-resources is coming.
- Search continues for a Senior Director for CARLI to replace Susan Singleton upon her retirement in July 2016.
- There have been Open House site volunteers including Ann Giffey (Knox College) and possibly Amy Jo Caulkins (Carl Sandburg College).
- All talked over the Productivity Tools List and final details of the web page. Members will send input by May 20.
- The committee reviewed the draft Committee Annual Report.
- Transition to new Chair is July 1st.
- Minutes for last meeting were approved.
- Final Project and Report Wrap-up
- Open House feedback will be incorporated in the Annual Report.
- Both the Final Project and Report are due by May 31st. The committee agreed that both would be finalized by May 20th before the Memorial Day weekend.
- June meeting canceled.
- Sue Franzen and Cory Stevens elected Co-Chairs for 2016/17.
Tasks Assigned:
- Jen Sauzer took minutes.
- All committee members will review and send comments regarding the Annual Project to the group by May 20.
Next Meeting Date and Deadlines:
To be determined.