Conference Call
Members attending: Julia Venetis, Co-Chair, Elmhurst College; Susan Franzen, Illinois State University; Paula Garrett, Illinois Math and Science Academy; Raeann Dossett, Parkland College; Richard Stokes, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Members absent: Jennifer Sauzer Co-Chair, Columbia College Chicago; Becky Brown, College of DuPage; Anne-Marie Eggleston Green, Kishwaukee College; Cory Stevens, Lake Forest College
Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Denise Green
- Committee members had no announcements
- CARLI Report
- CARLI primarily working on new libraries entering the CARLI system.
- Meadville Lombard Theological School
- Blackhawk College
- South Suburban College
- Paige Weston retired in December.
- Minutes
- Assigned to Richard Stokes for this meeting.
- Jennifer has the minutes from the last meeting but they are not yet available, but will be made available at a future date.
- Open Houses were discussed and details firmed up.
- College of DuPage/Wheaton College
- When: Thursday March 3, 2016 from 9:30-3:30
- Where: College of DuPage and Wheaton College.
- Beginning the day at College of DuPage, with Voyager Media Scheduler. In the afternoon, relocate to Wheaton College with Open Room.
- Library tours.
- llinois State University and Heartland Community College
- When: Friday, March 11, 2016 from 9:30-3:30
- Where: Illinois State University and Heartland Community College.
- Beginning the day at Illinois State University, with Piktochart, Poll Everywhere, and Wideo. In the afternoon, relocate to Heartland Community College with Cluster, Shelflister, and Kahoot.
- Susan mentioned the idea having at Heartland a Round robin. Many in the group thought it was a good idea.
- Other Chicago area Open House.
- Much if this is tentative and will continue, and details finalized later.
- Proposed Date of Event: April 1, 2016 from 9:30am - 3:00pm.
- Location: Columbia University.
- Will continue to go forward with the first 2 Open Houses.
- CARLI reps mentioned that on the worksheet on our group website for Open Houses to put down 1st and last names as well as title of who is doing what so proper credit is given.
- Space in the open houses is limited to 23 open slots according to CARLI and committee members who what to attend need to register for those slots.
- Committee members not assigned to the Open House discussed the idea of looking at other possible tools that could be included in future projects.
Tasks Assigned
- Richard Stokes took minutes.
- Becky and Paula to draft message for the College of DuPage/Wheaton College Open House and Sue to draft message for the ISU/Heartland Community College Open House. The drafts need to be into CARLI by January 19th or 20th at the latest to go out in the January 25th call for open registration.
- Jennifer will continue to work on the Chicago Open House.
- Committee members not assigned to Open Houses to work on exploring other possible tools that could be included in additional projects.
Next Meeting Date and Deadlines
Our next conference call is Thursday February 11th, 2016 at 1:30 p.m.