Conference Call
Members attending: Jennifer Sauzer, Co-Chair, Columbia College Chicago; Julia Venetis, Co-Chair, Elmhurst College; Becky Brown, College of DuPage; Raeann Dossett, Parkland College; Susan Franzen, Illinois State University; Paula Garrett, Illinois Math and Science Academy; Anne-Marie Eggleston Green, Kishwaukee College; Cory Stevens, Lake Forest College
Members absent: Richard Stokes, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Denise Green
- Sue assigned as minute-taker
- September minutes were approved (with minor changes).
- Designed to move forward with open houses on the use of free/low cost tools in public services; three open houses with two geographically close institutions for each.
- Annual project will build on open houses with the final product being a toolkit including mini tutorials, screenshots, etc.
- Meeting was adjourned at 2:45
- Susan Singleton has announced her retirement (Email sent to members 9/25/15)
- Registration now open for CARLI annual meeting, scheduled for 11/13/15
- Various CARLI training opportunities; check the website
- Only one survey response; we will not follow up for annual project.
- I-Share Next Task Group– Finished writing proposal; Sent to purchasing office for approval; In future, survey of I-Share members/Environmental Scan
- Annual Project:
- Review of last year’s annual project – Knowledge Management
- Review annual project ideas from previous meetings: open houses, collection promotion, toolbox, assessment
- Toolbox Kit
- Examples of Tools: Trello, Google Hangout, Asana, Gimlet, Voyager media booking module, 2nd Life
- Experience-based rather than review
- Create Toolkit before open houses
- Product Names
- How & why it’s used by member institutions
- If not used by members, how it might be
- Include screen captures or tutorials
- Plug in additional details after open houses
- Open Houses:
- Two institutions in one day
- Same tool or same area of public services, if possible
- Each open house hosted by committee member, if possible
- Possible schedule: 1st open house beginning of March; schedule every two weeks; finish open houses by mid-April
Tasks assigned
- Susan will work to find open house partners downstate in either B/N or Peoria.
- Paula and Becky will work on open house for West Suburbs, including COD & neighboring location.
- Jennifer will look for a partner institution close to Columbia for the Chicago open house.
- Jennifer and Julia will write and send email to Susan Singleton re: annual project.
- Jennifer will create GoogleDoc to begin collecting information for Toolkit.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines
Our next meeting will be November 12 at 1:30 p.m.