Public Services Committee Meeting: July 27, 2015

Columbia College Chicago

Members attending: Jennifer Sauzer, Co-Chair, Columbia College Chicago; Julia Venetis, Co-Chair, Elmhurst College; Raeann Dossett, Parkland College (by phone);  Susan Franzen, Illinois State University; Paula Garrett, Illinois Math and Science Academy;Anne-Marie Eggleston Green, Kishwaukee College (by phone); Cory Steven, Lake Forest College

Members absent: Becky Brown, College of DuPage; Richard Stokes, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Denise Green, Susan Singleton (by phone)


  • Committee members introduced themselves.
  • Susan Singleton greeted us via conference call.
  • Susan alerted us that though the I-Share upgrade has gone smoothly so far, they are not sure how the system will handle the heavier load when semesters are in session. She encouraged all to send any feedback/problems to .
  • CARLI is not expecting good news from the state in regards to the budget and have anticipated and planned for this with initial budget cuts. See for specific details.
  • Despite the budget cuts, there will be no change in I-Share assessments and there are no plans to change the current EBSCO access.
  • The Committee reviewed last year’s projects.
  • All committee members may use the PSC email list to communicate.  This is a closed email list for committee members only.
  • The PSC group website can be logged into through this link From here you can add and edit pages and content.
  • The proposed survey inventorying libraries could potentially lead to an Open House offered to CARLI members, hosted by PSC.
  • There is a CARLI assessment-ig email listserv if you are interested in following.
  • If the committee plans to host an in person forum or session, CARLI has a committee that must approve these programs and they require specific timelines in planning depending upon whether the event involves outside speakers, is a forum using only CARLI members. We could need as much as 6 months lead time for planning.


  • Minutes of the June 11, 2015 meeting were approved.
  • Minutes will rotate through the committee members alphabetically
  • Minutes will be emailed to committee members within 7 days of meeting. If no comments/revisions are made within 7 days, minutes will be considered approved by committee.
  • We will use conference calling for future committee meetings unless we deem a need to meet in person to complete as specific project.
  • If time allowed by CARLI, committee would like to consider presenting our annual project, perhaps in a poster session as suggested by Susan Singleton, at the annual meeting.
  • Committee intends to send out a survey to inventory CARLI libraries to discover who uses what tools and services in their library.
  • Notes have been added to the web page to compile potential questions for the survey.


  • The CARLI Annual Meeting will be held on November 13, 2015. The agenda will focus on the 35th anniversary of I-Share.
  • Data Analytics Task Force- CARLI is still working on the Memorandum of Understanding with U of I. The task force hopes to have best practices available for using data in regards to privacy laws. Still moving along, though slowly.

Tasks assigned

  • Julia Volunteered to take notes
  • All committee members should review last year’s annual project for ideas for potential future projects to spin off of this.
  • Denise/Elizabeth will move certain information from the PSC Wiki to the PSC group website.
  • Cory will draft a question for the listserv about potential content for the proposed survey.
  • Denise will send out invitation to the next meeting which will meet on Thursday August, 13 at 1:30.
  • Denise will send survey to committee members to gage future availability, with the target for meeting the 2nd Thursday of the month.

Meeting Dates and Deadlines

Next Meeting: Thursday, August 13, 2015 via conference call