Conference Call
Members attending: Rebecca Brown, Co-Chair, College of DuPage; Paula Garrett, Co-Chair, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy; Raeann Dossett, Parkland College; Richard Stokes, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Tori Tracy, Prairie State College; Julia Venetis, Elmhurst College
Members Absent: Anne Buchanan, Saint Xavier University; Jennifer Sauzer, Columbia College Chicago; David Stern, Saint Xavier University
Staff Attending: Debbie Campbell, Elizabeth Clarage, Denise Green
- Annual Project:
- Website for Annual Project is up and running.
- Information from the site was printed and included in the June CARLI Board of Directors meeting packet.
- EBook Symposium:
- Evaluation survey has come out and been emailed to committee for review.
- Evaluation contains mostly positive feedback.
- There were good suggestions of future Ebook topics that we might want to keep in mind for projects for next year.
- Becky sent an email with the presentation’s website out to the Public Services Interest Group email list.
- Data Analytics Committee:
- Waiting to hear back from U of I Administration about MOU before they are able to proceed.
- 2014-2015 Report of Activities for PSC:
- Thanks to Becky for preparing this. It looks great!
- This was submitted to the CARLI Board along with the Annual Project.
- Welcoming Jennifer and Julia as Committee Chairs for next year.
- Welcoming Denise as new CARLI staff liaison to group.
- Goodbye and thank you to David, Anne and Tori for their dedication and contributions over the past few years.
- Goodbye and thank you to Debbie for all of her assistance and support.
Tasks Assigned
- Debbie will follow up and let Jennifer and Julia know if there will again be a New Chair Orientation Meeting next month.
- RDA Webinar:
- Paula will send out an email from joint program planning committee chair with summary of what was discussed and the wrap up from the last meeting.
- Elizabeth will forward the RDA evaluation feedback for webinar #3 to the group.
- Julia appointed minute-taker.
- May minutes approved.
Next Meeting Date
To be determined