Public Services Committee Meeting: February 12, 2015

Conference Call

Members attending: Rebecca Brown, Co-Chair, College of DuPage; Paula Garrett, Co-Chair, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy; Anne Buchanan, Saint Xavier University; Raeann Dossett, Parkland College; Jennifer Sauzer, Columbia College Chicago; David Stern, Saint Xavier University; Richard Stokes, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Tori Tracy, Prairie State College; Julia Venetis, Elmhurst College

Staff attending: Debbie Campbell, Elizabeth Clarage


  • Data analytics Task Force (Jennifer)
    • The Task Force:
      • Is going over the language in the CARLI agreement concerning data usage.  User privacy is paramount to CARLI.
      • Part of the work is delineating what is the responsibility and liability of CARLI and what is the responsibility and liability of the home library, particularly where CARLI provides host services.
    • An ILead USA team “Make It Count,” which is separate from CARLI but also concerned with data usage, is working on:
      • Reviewing existing best practices.
      • Developing resources to help implement best practices.
        • Specifically they are working on a Database tool and website to assist libraries in assessing data.
          • Example:  a tool to upload info for libraries to compare information
  • Joint Webinar with Technical Services Committee on RDA (Anne, Becky, Paula, Richard)
    • Positive feedback from the subcommittee on the content (mainly a power point presentation that is going to be in the first RDA Webinar.  Comments included that:
      • It is a lot of information but it may be necessary given the large change RDA represents.
      • It sounds like it was a good “why and what” but is just the beginning of RDA’s implications.
    • Richard reported that he had been approached by Jenifer Masciadrelli and Nicole Swanson, CARLI liaisons to the Technical Services Committee, indicating that they needed someone to talk in the second half of the 3rd RDA Webinar about Authority Records, and they wanted to see if we could have someone from UIUC present.  Michael Norman agreed to present.
  • Joint Program with Collection Management Committee on E-books (Becky, David, Jennifer, Tori, Paula)
    • Notes have been added to committee’s wiki
    • Workshop on May 7th I-Hotel in Champaign.
    • Afternoon breakout session for Public Service is at 2:45 PM
    • What is the audience (Public Services and Instruction)?
      • Some committee members would prefer to see an overview of the session before adding more input.
    • Discussed various aspects of e-books to look at in the session
      • Searching - one tool at a time - silos of searching
      • Navigating and functionalities of an e-book (online vs. downloadable)
    • Suggestions and comments:
      • It may be difficult to keep up on given the changing landscape.
      • A check list or chart to make functionality front and center might be useful.  
      • There will be a focus on trends and patterns.
      • There will be limit of 10-15 min per section by panel members.
      • Perhaps include a Best Practices in instructing people?
        • What you can and cannot do on the platform you are on.
        • Students stumble on discovery.
        • There is general disinterest in downloading e-books by users.
          • Do they want chapters, or just an excerpt and not the full text?
    • Subcommittee is meeting on Tuesday February 17th
  • Annual Project Update – Personal Knowledge Management Subcommittee (David, Julia, Anne, Raeann)
    • Notes have been added to the committee’s wiki.
    • The subcommittee would like to hear any feedback from the full committee.
    • The Webinar will be March 17th 10-11AM
    • Presenters will each be in their own location using AdobeConnect.
    • This might lead to developing a website with tools.
      • Discussions continued on the various tools such as If This Then That and how to ID the best tools and mix and match them together.
      • What would the tutorials look like?
    • After the Webinar the PKM project will revert to the whole Committee to develop the Annual Project.
      • How do we frame it and how do we present it?
      • Assign pieces for annual project.
      • A website might be enough for the annual project if it has the needed content for contextualization, and that content was appropriate and not out of place on a website.
  • Public Services Email List Question
    • The questions we have put out on the CARLI Public Services Email List seem to not be generating much in the way of responses.
      • A discussion of why ensued:
        • Very specific questions get responses and general questions do not.
        • Some committee members read many messages on email lists but rarely engage, but do use it to get information.
    • Discussion about whether the committee should continue posting to the list:
      • Is there value of continuing to post questions which produce so few results.  Is the value of the question the feedback or is the value the added traffic to the email list?
      • The email list does put out information on behalf of the Committee.
      • The email list was a good avenue to advertise but not so good for questions.
      • Is intention of committee using the email list to increase collaboration?
    • We will post a PKM question after the webinar.


  • David mentioned that the PKM Webinar needed to be on the next agenda and that the subcommittee would do a quick run through.
  • Collaborative development space will be setup with Drupal.
    • Webpages will be private until moved over to the CARLI website.
    • This development space will be the new online group workspace rather than the wiki.

Tasks Assigned

  • Raeann to send information for advertisement of the Webinar on Personal Knowledge Management.
  • Determine Annual Project next steps. Everyone needs to think of example topics and tools for project and tutorials before the next Committee Meeting to be held on March 12th at 10 AM (Conference Call).
  • Debbie to set up collaborative development space with Drupal, then notify everyone.
  • Everyone should look at slides for the Webinar and forward suggestions to the subcommittee.


  • January 2015 minutes were approved with no changes.
  • Richard was appointed minute-taker.

Meeting Dates and Deadlines

The next conference call for the Public Services Committee is March 12, 2015 at 10:00 am.