Conference Call
Members attending: Rebecca Brown , Co-Chair, College of DuPage; Paula Garrett, Co-Chair, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy; Anne Buchanan, Saint Xavier University; Raeann Dossett, Parkland College; Jennifer Sauzer, Columbia College Chicago; David Stern, Past Chair, Saint Xavier University; Richard Stokes, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Tori Tracy, Prairie State College; Julia Venetis, Elmhurst College
Staff attending: Debbie Campbell, Elizabeth Clarage
- Data analytics Task Force (Jennifer)
- Second meeting on Monday, Dec. 15 via conference call. They’ll be looking into what CARLI can collect, plus examining best practices and information they have been gathering from Institutional Review Boards.
- Joint Webinar with Technical Services Committee on RDA (Anne, Becky, Paula, Richard)
- There was a joint meeting between the Public Service subgroup and the Technical Services Committee on 12/10/2014. They reviewed examples and had feedback from Public Services people about potential concerns with RDA.
- There are differences in how various interfaces (e.g. VuFind and Voyager “Classic”) display RDA records. This will be once source of confusion.
- The CARLI Technical Services Committee is holding three webinars in spring on this topic: 3/6; 4/15; 5/1
- Joint Project with Collection Management Committee on E-books (David, Jennifer, Tori, Paula)
- The Collection Management Committee next meets on 12/15/2014. The Public Services group is waiting to hear back from them before it meets. Right now, they seem to be asking us to prepare and present a 45 minute session for the afternoon breakout sessions for an in-person session. The date is still to be determined.
- Annual Project Update – Personal Knowledge Management Subcommittee (David, Julia, Ann, Raeann)
- The Subgroup met on 12/9/2014 and discussed the outlines of the webinar planned for 3/17/2015.
- For the Annual Project, the thought is to take the webinar as a springboard and expand it to talk about how libraries could organizationally use PKM tools.
- Regarding potential duplication with this project and the data task force: the task force is limited to student academic data, this is a separate issue. PKM project would not be about creating user tools, but about creating collections of content.
- There was discussion of creating an example project as part of the annual report and what topic might be appropriate.
- The subcommittee also looked for suggestions for personal management tools that work well with social media, not just searching but creating metadata and making captured social media content retrievable. We explored “If This Then That” as a tool to create relationships between knowledge management systems.
- Public Services Email List
- David is going to post a follow up to the LibGuides discussion, to see if that generates any more traffic. We will discuss seeding a new topic in January.
Tasks Assigned:
- Jennifer is going to poll her students about how they manage information they capture from social media.
- November 13th minutes were approved with minor grammatical changes.
- Raeann was appointed minute-taker.
Meeting Date:
- The next conference call for the Public Services Committee is January 8, 2015 at 10:00 am.