Conference Call
Members attending:
Rebecca Brown (College of DuPage); Paula Garrett (Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy); Anne Buchanan (Saint Xavier University); Jennifer Sauzer (Columbia College Chicago); David Stern (Saint Xavier University); Julia Venetis (Elmhurst College)
Members absent:
Tori Tracy (Prairie State College); Raeann Dossett (Parkland College); Richard Stokes (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Staff attending:
Debbie Campbell, Elizabeth Clarage
- CARLI Data Task Force Update
- The group will meet in late November. They will begin their work by reviewing the data that is available through various systems. They will explore and consider developing practices, professional standards and legal issues.
- Joint RDA project with Technical Services Committee
- Dates and times for the Theoretical Information, Technical Information, and Variations webinars have been set.
- The Public Services Committee collaborators will review the webinar scripts and provide comments and questions to the TSC.
- Examples of RDA searches were provided by TSC and showed improved functionality over MARC. One example of this was searching the works of a musician and getting back search results that included albums that they played on but were not the primary artist.
- The TSC will meet again in early December.
- The notes are on the Public Services Wiki.
- Joint E-books project Collection Management Committee
- Not much to report. The CMC group will be getting together soon.
- David received matrices to review.
- IACRL Website
- The page will remain up but will not be developed further at this time.
- LibGuides 2.0
- Raeann was working on a collection of best practices for LibGuides 2.0.
- This might make a good webinar topic.
- A “What have you learned?” question could be sent out to the listserv.
- Annual Project Personal Knowledge Management Update
- Planning for the PKM management is coming along. Raeann will provide an introduction including why libraries should be involved and how they can be useful in this area. David and Julia will provide details on tools and best practices.
- The webinar will be Tuesday, March 17, 10-11.
- After the webinar the committee can discuss how the topic might be expanded.
- Work on the Annual Project portion should start before the webinar.
- The form this will take is still being discussed but could be any of the following:
- A tool kit
- A contextualized write up
- A website including links to examples of effective collaborations
- Examples:
- SFX created a glossary to help with SFX use
- Resource Sharing is planning to create a web-based best practices to manage incoming OCLC requests page
- A Word document can be submitted to Debbie or Elizabeth who can format it for the web.
- The subgroup members will posts PKM items of interest on the PKM project wiki.
- More clarity on the PKM webinar project is needed before additional tasks for the Annual Project can be delegated.
- PKM subgroup is meeting again on December 9.
- Will continue the Annual Project discussion at the December 11 Public Services Committee meeting.
- Public Services Listserv
- Will post about LibGuides 2.0
- CARLI PDA Update
- As of January 5, 2015 patrons can no longer select titles.
- If there are remaining funds additional titles will be selected by CARLI staff.
- Records not selected will be removed from the catalog.
Action items:
- Paula will email Raeann about LibGuides 2.0.
- The subgroup members will posts PKM items of interest on the wiki.
Meeting Date:
- Our next meeting will be December 11 at 10:00 a.m.