Phone Conference
Members attending: Rebecca Brown (College of DuPage); Paula Garrett (Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy); Anne Buchanan (Saint Xavier University). Raeann Dossett (Parkland College); Jennifer Sauzer (Columbia College Chicago) David Stern (Saint Xavier University); Richard Stokes, (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Tori Tracy (Prairie State College); Julia Venetis,,(Elmhurst College)
Staff attending: Debbie Campbell, Elizabeth Clarage
- Please contribute a video to the space project.
- The CARLI Board formed a data analytics task force to review if certain student data is ok to gather when it has identifiable patron information.
- Jennifer is on this data analytics task force and will keep us informed.
- Concerns covered in the first meeting include 3rd party software, privacy, and general needs.
- Access Reports Subcommittee:
- The subcommittee project has been shelved for now due to the CARLI data analytics task force.
- Joint Webinar with Technical Services Committee:
- Richard joined the subcommittee.
- We will be consulting on the three planned webinar sessions:
- Theoretical information,
- Advantages for future/Technical information best practices,
- Local practice issues/Speakers.
- Joint Project with Collection Management Committee (CMC):
- Jennifer joined the subcommittee.
- They will flesh out the agenda in their next month’s meeting.
- We will contact them by January with our topic.
- Personal Knowledge Management (PKM):
- David sent a libguide with PKM sites.
- David will be the point person on the PKM team
- IACRL Pre-Conference website:
- Link has been fixed.
- Since there has not much development, keep in current location with no further development at this time.
- Anne will take minutes for this meeting.
- September minutes were approved.
- Annual Project:
- Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) is our topic.
- Brainstorming ideas:
- A webpage with tutorials
- The written section includes the importance and why libraries are getting into PKM.
- We could make this a face to face.
Task Assigned:
- Jennifer will write a couple of sentences about access reports for the annual meeting and send to Paula.
- All subcommittees will meet before the next scheduled meeting.
- All are to look at the IACRL web page, and at the next meeting, we will discuss if we are going to develop it.
- We will post answers to David’s RDA to get a conversation going.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines:
- Our next meeting will be November 13 at 10:00 a.m.