Conference Call
Members attending: Anne Buchanan (Saint Xavier University); Raeann Dossett (Parkland College); Paula Garrett, co-chair (Illinois Math and Science Academy); Jennifer Sauzer (Columbia College Chicago); David Stern (Saint Xavier University); Richard Stokes (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Members absent: Rebecca Brown, co-chair (College of DuPage); Tori Tracy (Prairie State College); Julia Venetis (Elmhurst College)
Staff attending: Debbie Campbell, Elizabeth Clarage
- CARLI Annual Meeting is on Thurs, Oct. 30, 2014 - I-Hotel and Conference Center, Champaign.
- In reviewing the Public Services Committee charge we noted:
- The audience for our events and other projects are CARLI libraries/librarians/library staff.
- The possibility of collaboration with other committees such as Collection Management, Instruction, Resource Sharing, etc.
- Public Services encompasses more than reference (2013-14 annual project was on access services).
- When planning events, we need to make sure they are inclusive of all CARLI libraries, not just I-Share.
- In reviewing the CARLI Committee Chairs meeting we noted:
- CARLI is developing a template for the Annual Report.
- White Papers (new in 2013-14) were very well received and will be renamed to Annual Projects, the audience is the CARLI membership, and we should have the idea for our 2014-15 project established ASAP and no later than Nov. 1st.
- In addition to the Annual Project other “deliverables” could include: events/forums/open houses, webinars, websites, surveys (CARLI needs to review early in the process of developing).
- For in-person events/forums/open houses, CARLI has budgeted for one per committee (maximum of two). We should plan in the fall for spring events, in the spring for fall ones. CARLI would like to have a calendar in place for continuing education events with generous lead-time. Forums/events utilizing CARLI staff/membership require 4 months lead-time; those utilizing outside speakers require 6 months and must go through the CARLI Program Planning Committee. Lead times must be adhered to as purchasing processes continue to become more complicated.
- We may be requested to do a poster session or 5 minute review of our 2013-14 projects at the CARLI Annual Meeting on Oct. 30, 2014.
- Committee communication:
- CARLI will pilot a new web-based committee workspace (using Drupal) in place of the committee’s wiki. David offered to help migrate some of our wiki content when that is ready.
- For now minutes will be circulated for review via e-mail, then posted to the CARLI website. Some CARLI committees post their draft minutes to the CARLI website prior to their approval.
- Some committees post a question a month to their respective email lists – we could discuss further at our in-person meeting if the Public Services Committee would like to do so as well.
- In reviewing our 2013-14 activities/highlights:
- David and Elizabeth provided background on the Library Spaces Videos project. It goes back a couple of years when CARLI was hosting more open houses for PS topics. With tighter travel budgets, video became a good alternative. This is a project that we would like to continue to develop. The Library Spaces Video website will be promoted through the PubServ-ig list and the CARLI newsletter.
- Minutes
- Paula Garrett took minutes.
- As long as we’re circulating minutes by email, we decided that we would make sure changes were obvious, by using “Track Changes” for example in Word.
- In Person meeting
- Once we have the details of the Sept. 11th in-person meeting, we will invite Susan Singleton, CARLI Executive Director, to attend for about 15-20 minutes. She could attend via phone if the meeting is outside of the CARLI Office, or in person if at the CARLI office.
Tasks Assigned:
- Elizabeth will check on possibility of using the CARLI website to post the draft minutes and will send out information regarding other CARLI topical email lists that committee members may want to join.
- All committee members: Prep for in-person meeting on Sept. 11, 2014.
- Please begin generating ideas that we can discuss as possible 2014-15 activities and review these documents:
- Jennifer will email the committee re: hosting the in-person meeting at Columbia on Sept. 11, 2014.
- Paula will email committee members who were not able to join the July 24th meeting to see if a regular meeting on the 2nd (or 3rd) Thursday of each month from 10-11:30 am works – and will follow up with an email listing the actual dates.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines:
- In-person meeting on Sept. 11th – details TBA.