Conference Call
Members attending: Rebecca Brown (College of DuPage); Anne Buchanan (Saint Xavier University); Rosanne Cordell (Northern Illinois University); Andrew Lenaghan (Joliet Junior College); Jennifer Sauzer (Columbia College); David Stern, chair (Illinois State University)
Members absent: Paula Garrett (Illinois Math and Science Academy); Leslie Rios (Lincoln Land Community College); Marianne Ryan (Northwestern University)
Staff attending: Debbie Campbell; Elizabeth Clarage
- In a few weeks, we will receive a link for the public service web site to review.
- Update Space Video Site:
- We want to use a CARLI YouTube channel for a long term and a central site. We need a less restricted site with a sharable password because it will be a place to share videos and they will need to be updated and categorized.
- Elizabeth has emailed the CARLI webmasters to ask about the best process for establishing this YouTube account.
- The best practices document will be housed on our wiki under Theme Ideas. It will be updated by the committee members.
- IACRL Preconference:
- It has been taken over by Elizabeth who is working on space and time logistics.
- The day will be scheduled starting with the keynote speaker followed by two short sessions and lunch.
- After lunch there will be public services and technical services tracks. There could be interest in the key evidence based issues listed below under Tasks Assigned, IACRL Preconference.
- In the PSC wiki, volunteers will begin to list ideas and the rest of the group will add to them.
- On the public web site we will list and update with favorite analytic tools and references to best practices. Until the web site is up we will generate our documents as .pdf or Word documents
- Tools Matrix:
- The committee agreed that the matrix for tools that Jennifer began developing would be great presented as a webinar.
- Elizabeth and Debbie will discuss how best to incorporate the tool onto the CARLI website, then the committee will finish developing the tool and inputting their own example data.
- Once finished, a webinar will be held/recorded to introduce the tool.
- Security Concerns Forum:
- The group decided to focus on security concerns and to include more than just collections. We do need to flesh out the topic in the next couple of weeks to get on the CARLI timeline for an April face to face program.
- A quick brainstorming session brought out the following subtopics: using flash drives to upload programs onto library computers & other computer misuses, surveillance cameras, students/staff working alone, legal aspects, federal depository libraries (and other libraries) handling of banned/problem patrons, swipe cards, how to stop library use only laptops/materials from leaving the library, problem patrons/removal of patrons, 24 hour libraries. Also brought up was asking others (outside our group) if they want to contribute to a case study.
- Considerations for hosting: rural or urban, parking, not just cost but size, space should it be centralized or could be spread out. We could consider doing a survey to see if an institution wants to volunteer to host.
- Minutes: Anne Buchanan was selected to take minutes.
- We will host a program on the topic of security. Our plan is for the program to take place in April at a site to be determined.
Tasks Assigned:
- Space Video Site: Andrew will place his best practices document on the wiki under Theme Ideas. We all will keep it updated.
- IACRL Preconference: The volunteers will begin to list ideas and the rest of the group will add to them.
- web site, David
- reference (physical and virtual service points) Rosanne
- circulation/access services, Jennifer
- IT support based upon data (technology needs we require, outside IT consulting & expertise), David
- April Program: Becky, Debbie, Elizabeth, and Anne will draft an outline for the rest of the group to respond to with the outcome being proposal for a program in April about security.
- White Paper: David will put together some ideas for a white paper.
- David volunteered to represent the Public Services Committee for the call from the Collection Management Committee regarding a program on ebook Patron Driven Acquisitions program. The group will meet in early November. He will report back to us.
- Elizabeth and Debbie volunteered to create a short list of locations for the spring in-person forum.
- Elizabeth and Debbie will will discuss how best to incorporate the tool matrix onto the CARLI website.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines:
- Our next meeting will be November 21, 2013.