Members attending:
- Miriam Centeno, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Jenny Dunbar, College of DuPage
- Sandra Fritz, Illinois State Library
- Jennifer Ho, University of St. Francis
- Gregory MacAyeal, Northwestern University
- Lorraine Olley, University of Saint Mary of the Lake Mundelein Seminary
Members absent:
- Beth McGowan 2013 – 2016, Northern Illinois University
- Anne Thomason 2014 – 2017, Lake Forest College
- Julie Wroblewski 2013 – 2015, Benedictine University
Staff attending:
- Elizabeth Clarage
- Nicole Swanson
- Minutes of the August 26, 2014 meeting were approved unanimously.
- The Summer Burn Recovery Workshop will be limited to 20 participants and 11 committee members for a total of 31.
- We will accept a single reply from each CARLI institution for the preservation survey.
- Miriam recounted her experience at the Campbell Center and mentioned that they offer refresher courses as well.
- Jennifer reported on the Chicago Film Archive tour and reminded the group that the Chicago Area Archivists will be conducting a tour of the Roger Brown Study Collection at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago on October 30.
- Jenny stated that our April 7 meeting at College of DuPage has been approved.
- Summer Burn Recovery Workshop:
- Per Miriam, Jennifer Hain Teper will participate but wants CARLI to handle the logistics of the workshop. Elizabeth stated that ISFI, the organization that previously conducted the workshop, will be unable to do it this year. She will investigate other possibilities.
- The number of participants was discussed. It was decided that 20 participants plus the 11 committee members would be all that could be accommodated.
- A program request needs to be submitted to CARLI to cover the cost of the workshop.
- Spring Preservation Tour – Springfield, IL
- Sandra reported on the status of the tour. The following persons and institutions are confirmed for the tour:
- Bonnie Parr – Conservation Lab at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum
- David Joens – Illinois State Archives
- Sandra Fritz – Illinois State Library
- 20 people, including the 11 committee members, would be a reasonable size for the tour. She will inquire if the participating institutions would be willing to do two sessions, a morning and afternoon, to accommodate more participants if needed.
- Sandra will contact the participants to discuss possible dates. A snow day should be planned if the tour takes place in the early spring.
- Annual project – Survey of CARLI Members Preservation Resources.
- Discussion commenced to refine the purpose of the survey. Consensus is: the purpose of the survey is to gather and collate data pertaining to the preservation resources and staffing levels that exist within the CARLI community as well as identify trends and future plans.
- Greg stated that he would like to know what kinds of collections are being preserved to the survey (e.g. format).
- The timeline for the project is:
- 11/30 – 12/15 finalize the survey
- Forward the survey to CARLI for approval (10 day lead time)
- Mid-January – launch the survey to CARLI members
- End of January – send survey reminders
- Mid-February – close survey
- March – analyze data
- May – write recommendation
- An online survey tool, such as Survey Monkey, would be useful for distributing the survey as well as collecting the data.
- Not all libraries have a preservation department, so we will need to decide who to send the surveys to.
- The possibility of announcing the survey at the October 30 Governing Director’s Meeting was discussed.
Tasks assigned:
- Preservation Webliography: Everyone should continue reviewing links at
- “Preservation Tip” newsletter contributions: Greg volunteered to do the March Preservation Tip
- Blog contributions: We are still in need of a fall blogger. Miriam has a possible contact person for the deacidification blog entry for spring.
- Workshops:
- Elizabeth will investigate an organization to replace ISFI for the Summer Burn Recovery Workshop.
- Sandra will get some dates from participants for the Spring Preservation Tour and gauge interest in having two sessions if the registration for the event is high.
- Annual project:
- Miriam will review existing survey instruments and report back to the committee via email.
- Miriam and Greg have formed a sub-committee and will have some tentative questions for the group to review during the 11/4 meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m.
Next meeting scheduled for November 4, 2014.