conference call
Members Attending
- Mary Burns, Northern Illinois University
- Susan Howell, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
- Jamie Nelson, DePaul University
- Ann Lindsay, University of Chicago
- Meghan Ryan, National Louis University
- Melanie Schoenborn, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
- Anne Thomason, co-chair, Lake Forest College
Members Absent
- Jennifer Hunt Johnson, Illinois State University
- Bonnie Parr, co-chair, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum
Staff Attending
- Elizabeth Clarage
- Nicole Swanson
Member Announcements
- Melanie Schoenborn announced that the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville library has several job openings and no dean at present.
- Anne Thomason announced that the Library and Information Technology director at Lake Forest College will be retiring at the end of the academic year.
CARLI Announcements
- Elizabeth announced that CARLI now has a budget, and while there is a decrease in funding, this decrease was anticipated and factored into planning already.
- CARLI Annual Meeting registration is open; please register if planning to attend the November 17th meeting.
- Nicole and Elizabeth were at the Illinois Library Association meeting this past week, and appreciate that this Preservation Committee meeting was rescheduled to accommodate them. They noted the lack of preservation programming at ILA and that this committee could assist with that. Elizabeth shared that there will no longer be separate Illinois ACRL meetings in order to bring together academic, public and school librarians all at ILA.
- Nicole reported on an ILA session on Robert’s Rules and shared that a ‘second’ is not necessary before discussion in meetings with fewer than twelve voting members.
- Elizabeth and Nicole reported on the Next Generation catalog, explaining that CARLI is attached to the University of Illinois and has to follow state procurement rules. Due to procurement staff turnover, the RFP has been revisited and revised several times.
- Four new libraries will be joining I-Share this spring: Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership, Moody Bible Institute, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, and McHenry County College.
- The one page summary of the committee’s 2016-2017 annual project is due today; Anne Thomason will cover more in her presentation at the Annual Meeting than is covered in the brief summary.
- Preservation Resources Webliography
- Mary emailed Nicole and Elizabeth to notify them of dead links. Committee members were encouraged to check links in their assigned areas and to suggest additional resources to be added via email.
- Workshops
- Elizabeth and Nicole sent two different scenarios to the Illinois Fire Service Institute, but multiple signatures are required for an actual cost estimate. The committee discussed which training options that they were interested.
- Annual Project on communicating the value of preservation
- Jen has stated she is still willing to write her article.
- After discussion, the project was planned as follows:
- September – Introduction (Melanie)
- October – Skip
- November – Environmental Monitoring (Bonnie) and Disaster Planning (Jen)
- December – Facilities Managers (Anne)
- January – Staff Training (Mary)
- February – Digital Preservation (Ann Lindsay)
- March – Student Workers (Melanie)
- April – Users/Stakeholders Training (Meghan)
- May – Last Copy Program (Susan)
- June – Elevator Speech (Jamie) and Conclusion (Ann Lindsay) (due end of May)
- Preservation Open House
- Ann Lindsay confirmed that an open house at the University of Illinois and Oriental Institute is possible. The OI can accommodate only 15 people in a group at a time.
- She will check if the Institute would be willing to give the same presentation/tour twice so that one group would be at the library and the other at the OI, and then the groups would switch. This would allow more people to attend the open house.
- Jamie Nelson was confirmed to take minutes.
- Agenda was amended to state meeting end time at 11:30 a.m. instead of p.m.
- Agenda was amended to combine 6(b) (Annual Project) and 6(c) (Newsletter Tips).
- September minutes were corrected to add the Conference ID at the end.
- September minutes were approved.
- Discussion on Advanced Repair Workshop was tabled to next meeting due to time.
- The meeting adjourned at 11:30.
Tasks Assigned
- Elizabeth and Nicole will check with IFSI on cost for suggested scenario, and work with CARLI leadership on budget.
- Ann Lindsay will check the Oriental Institute’s availability for dates in April 2018.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines
Schedule of Preservation Committee Meetings:
- November 13, 2017: 10:00-11:30
- December 11, 2017: 10:00-11:30
- January 8, 2018: 10:00-11:30
- February 12, 2018: 10:00-11:30
- March 12, 2018: 10:00-11:30
- April 9, 2018: 10:00-11:30
- May 14, 2018: 10:00-11:30
- June 11, 2018: 10:00-11:30
Connection Information:
+1 (888) 983-3631 (toll-free)
+1 (217) 332-6338 (Local Urbana-Champaign number)
+1 (312) 994-8410 (Local Chicago number)
Conference ID: 5259711