Conference Call
Members Attending:
- Jenny Dunbar, College of DuPage
- Jennifer Hunt Johnson, Illinois State University
- Greg MacAyeal, Northwestern University
- Bonnie Parr, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum
- Meghan Ryan, National-Louis University
- Anne Thomason, co-chair, Lake Forest College
Members Absent:
- Beth McGowan, co-chair, Northern Illinois University
- Jamie Nelson, DePaul University
- Melanie Schoenborn, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Staff Attending:
- Elizabeth Clarage
- Nicole Swanson
- Jenny Dunbar was assigned minutes.
- The May 2017 agenda was accepted.
- The April 11, 2017 minutes were approved.
- The Meeting adjourned at 10:32 a.m.
- CARLI Announcements:
- Nicole announced that CARLI has received enough candidates to fill the vacant Preservation Committee seats for the coming year. There are 3 – 3 year and 1 – 1 year positions open. The names of the new members cannot be announced until they have officially accepted the offer.
- Nicole mentioned that the deadline for poster session proposals for the upcoming Illinois Library Association conference are due by July 31, 2017 in case anyone from the committee would like to present any of the committee’s work. The conference will be held at the Tinley Park Convention Center October 10 – 12, 2017.
- Elizabeth noted that there is still no state budget news.
- Elizabeth also noted that the CARLI Board continues to work on a strategic plan.
- Member announcements: none
Discussion Items
- Disaster Planning Annual Project/Newsletter Tips
- Status on the articles: Jenny’s article on creating a plan is in; Beth has sent in two articles; Anne will be writing the conclusion this week.
- The deadline for the entire project is the end of this month.
- Nicole mentioned that we could request that the CARLI Webmaster make design changes to the project webpage such as adding a side navigation bar or pictures. She asked that any suggestions or final edits to existing articles be submitted by May 22 so there would be enough time to implement the changes by end of month. The Committee indicated an interest in adding a side navigation bar. When all remaining articles are posted and suggested changes are implemented, CARLI will send an announcement about the project to all members for their final review.
- Elizabeth asked if we wanted to add an overall resource list from all of the individual articles to the project webpage. This was done for the project last year, Audio Visual/Media Preservation. The committee doesn’t see a need to do this for this year’s project.
- Webliography
- All links have been verified and the social media links added. The webliography has been completely reviewed this year.
- Water and Mold Recovery Workshop
- The workshop will be held July 11th at the ALPLM in Springfield. Registration will begin May 30th and will initially be limited to one participant per institution and opened up after a period of time if there is space available. Since there is no state budget, Bonnie is leaving a long break for participants to leave the library to purchase lunch on their own. This will be mentioned in the registration. Bonnie will include a list of nearby lunch options along with the workshop packet. CARLI will update attendees if the status of providing lunch changes. Bonnie will send the agenda for the day to CARLI to be included with the registration information. CARLI is still able to print material for the committee. Bonnie will work up a list of supplies and check now many persons the room can accommodate.
- Survey for the Collections Care Workshop
- The responses for the workshop were very positive and some comments indicated a desire for more repair-type workshops. Future committees may want to revisit the idea of offering a day-to-day repair workshop more frequently, and possibly a spine repair workshop. The suggestion was made to have a paper mends workshop one year, and a book mends workshop the following year.
- Miscellaneous comments
- Elizabeth mentioned that next month is the last meeting for the year, and committee members should be thinking about choosing the chair or co-chair persons for next year. Anne spoke highly of the idea of co-chair persons.
- Anne mentioned that she will be unable to attend the June meeting and will check that Beth will be available.
- Tasks Assigned
- Anne will write the conclusion for the annual project.
- Final edits and cleanup of the annual project website – all committee members and CARLI staff.
- Bonnie will work on an agenda and other print materials for the mold recovery workshop and send them to CARLI staff for the registration and for copying for the workshop packets.
Next Meeting Dates
June 12, 2017: 10:00-11:30 (Jennifer Hunt Johnson, Illinois State University, is assigned to take minutes).
Connection Information:
+1 888 983 3631 (toll-free)
+1 217 332 6338 (Local Urbana-Champaign number)
+1 312 994 8410 (Local Chicago number)
Conference ID: 55714588