Governance / Preservation Committee Meeting: June 14, 2021
Preservation Committee Meeting: June 14, 2021
Conference Call / Zoom
Members Attending:
Melina Avery, University of Chicago
Mary Burns, Northern Illinois University
Tonia Grafakos, Northwestern University
Susan Howell, Southern University Carbondale
Becky Koch, Illinois State University
Meghan Ryan, National Louis University, co-chair
William Schlaack, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, co-chair
Members Absent:
Rob DeLand, VanderCook College of Music
Nora Gabor, DePaul University
Staff attending:
Nicole Swanson
Elizabeth Clarage
Tasks Assigned
Minutes taken by Tonia Grafakos.
Staff liaisons will reach out to Rob to see if he is interested in being co-chair.
May minutes were approved with edits.
Tonia agreed to be the committee chair. Co-chair tbd.
CARLI Member Announcements: none
CARLI Announcements
Comfortable Access to Library Buildings by Users and Staff with Disabilities: Going Beyond the Americans with Disabilities Act Minimums will be presented by Fred Schlipf on July 14th. More information on the program and how to register
CARLI was awarded a 3-year $1.08 million grant from the US Department of Education’s Open Textbooks Pilot Program.
Beginning July 1, CARLI will have additional access to online books from Wiley. This increases the amount of material available to member libraries from 4,000 titles to over 23,000 titles.
After July 1, CARLI members will have access to ebooks from the Oxford University Press in the following subject areas; Biology, History, Law, Music, Political Science, Psychology, Religion, Social Work, and Sociology with publication dates 2018-2022.
Tonia submitted her interview with the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum for June publication.
Becky has written a draft for the project’s wrap-up.
Annual Report Review: Committee chairs submitted the Annual Report of Committee Activities.
Webinar and Future Outreach
At this time, all CARLI events are virtual until at least March 2022.
A possible event for next year could center around virtual exhibits or best practices for reaching patrons in a virtual environment. Museum members could provide an interesting perspective on how they shifted to reach patrons in a virtual environment. What worked? What didn’t? Possible institutions to contact include; Chicago History Museum, Field Museum, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum.
Volunteers for Checking Preservation Links: No changes suggested.
CARLI Preservation Committee Members
2021-2022 Chair
Tonia volunteered to be chair for the upcoming year & expressed interest in having a co-chair. Staff liaisons will ask Rob if he is interested.
2021-2022 Members:
Melina Avery, University of Chicago
Sarah Cain, Northern Illinois University
Rob DeLand, VanderCook College of Music
Teri Embry, Pritzker Military Museum and Library
Nora Gabor, DePaul University
Tonia Grafakos, Northwestern University
Jade Kastel, Western Illinois University
Becky Koch, Illinois State University
William Schlaack, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Current Members Rotating Off the Committee:
Mary Burns, Northern Illinois University
Susan Howell, Southern University Carbondale
Meghan Ryan, National Louis University
Next Committee Meetings
A CARLI All Committee Meeting will be held sometime in July.
First Preservation Committee meeting will be held sometime in August.