Conference Call
Members Attending:
- Mary Burns, Northern Illinois University, co-chair
- Tonia Grafakos, Northwestern University
- Susan Howell, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
- Emma Lincoln, Augustana College
- Ann Lindsay, University of Chicago, co-chair
- Meghan Ryan, National Louis University
- William Schlaack, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Members Absent:
- Nora Gabor, DePaul University
- Bonnie Parr, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum
Staff Attending:
- Elizabeth Clarage
- Nicole Swanson
- Committee Member Announcements:
- Ann announced that she and Melina Avery will be presenting at the AIC conference on their recent treatment of an oversized antiphonary.
- Tonia announced a new technician starting at Northwestern the day of the meeting.
- Will announced the promotion of Jody Waitzman from technician to conservator at UIUC.
- CARLI Announcements:
- Symposium for mid-level managers (future deans and directors) to be held 9/25/2019. Will have a registration fee. Full details at
- CARLI is planning to hold an all-committee meeting/webinar, date TBD. It will be recorded.
- Preservation Resources Webliography
- Assessment Planning—Susan (Completed)
- Audio-visual Preservation—Mary (Completed)
- Book Repair and Conservation—Susan (Completed)
- Digital Preservation and Digitization for Preservation—William (Completed)
- Disaster Planning and Response—William (Completed)
- Exhibits—Bonnie (In progress)
- General Preservation and Conservation Resources Sites—Ann/Bonnie (Completed)
- Glossaries—Nora (Completed)
- Grants and Development—Meghan (Completed)
- Legal Issues—Tonia (Completed)
- Library Binding—Emma (Completed)
- Mold, Pests, and the Environment—Ann (Completed)
- Protective Enclosures and Storage —Meghan (Completed)
- Special Collections and Archives—Mary (Completed)
- Social Media—Nicole (In progress)
- Supply Vendors—Elizabeth (Completed)
- Training—Ann (Completed)
- Committee members responded to Nicole’s questions regarding addition of Instagram to the Social Media section of the webliography. Consensus was to add Instagram and to focus on those feeds that are focused specifically on preservation rather than those where preservation is incorporated into general library accounts. Several specific suggestions were made. Additional suggestions should be sent to Nicole. Consensus also to remove dead links such as blogs and Twitter accounts that are no longer active.
- Annual Project 2018-2019
- Elizabeth will put the introduction on the main landing page and make any necessary tense changes.
- The photo banner has been added to the page, and several committee members commented that it looks good.
- Discussion of the order of articles on the page resulted in a decision to put them in alphabetical order rather than keep them in the order in which they were originally posted.
- Ann and Will are working on the film article and will submit a draft soon.
- The project summary will appear in the June newsletter but is needed before the end of May in order to be included in the CARLI Board report. Mary and Ann agreed to draft a summary and provide it by 5/28/2019.
- Workshops and Open Houses
- Protective Enclosures Workshop 5/8/2019
- The protective enclosures workshop feedback has all been positive and a follow-up survey will be sent to all participants. Those committee members who were able to attend reported that they were pleased with the outcomes and impressed by how much was covered in one day.
- Meghan and Susan will provide photos, Nicole will set up a Box folder to facilitate sharing, Susan will draft a summary article, and Tonia will provide 1-2 paragraphs about her presentation to go in the July newsletter along with a highlight about the open house. Deadline 6/30/2019.
- Elizabeth noted that everyone she spoke to at the protective enclosures workshop had driven down the night before, which may be something to consider for the timing of future events.
- Open Houses 6/7/2019
- 14 people registered as of 5/13/2019. Registration is still open and more than one person per institution will be allowed.
- Will be highlighted in the newsletter again to encourage registrations.
- Handout will have agenda on one side and map and driving directions on the other side.
- Advanced repair workshop 2020
- Discussion tabled until new members join the committee in August.
- New committee member nominations
- Email invitations have been sent to those who volunteered to serve on the committee. Currently awaiting replies.
- New business
- Ann and Mary will work on an annual report for the committee.
- The 4/8/2019 meeting minutes were approved.
- Preservation-related Instagram feeds will be added to the Social Media section of the webliography and inactive blogs and Twitter accounts will be removed.
- The annual project intro section will appear on the main landing page rather than having its own page. Annual project articles will be arranged alphabetically.
- Advanced Repair Workshop discussion to be continued after new committee members join in August.
- Meeting adjourned at 10:52 a.m.
Tasks Assigned
- Mary and Ann will work together to draft an annual project summary. Due 5/28/2019.
- Meghan and Susan will share photos from the protective enclosures workshop to the Box folder created by Nicole.
- Susan will write a summary of the protective enclosures workshop and Tonia will provide a brief description of her presentation for the July newsletter. Due 6/30/2019.
- Ann and Mary will draft an annual report. Deadline is 5/31/2019.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines
Schedule of Preservation Committee Meetings:
- June 10, 2019: 10:00-11:30
Connection Information:
+1 (888) 983-3631 (toll-free)
+1 (217) 332-6338 (Local Urbana-Champaign number)
+1 (312) 994-8410 (Local Chicago number)
Conference ID: 8962938
- June 7, 2019: Preservation Open Houses: Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum & Illinois State Military Museum