Conference Call / Adobe Connect
Members Attending:
- Mary Burns, Northern Illinois University, co-chair
- Nora Gabor, DePaul University
- Tonia Grafakos, Northwestern University
- Susan Howell, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
- Emma Lincoln, Augustana College
- Ann Lindsay, University of Chicago, co-chair
- Meghan Ryan, National Louis University
- William Schlaack, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Member Absent:
- Bonnie Parr, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum
Staff Attending
- Elizabeth Clarage
- Nicole Swanson
- Committee Member Announcements (professional/institutional):
- University of Chicago has posted a 6 week summer internship. They are currently accepting applications.
- Northwestern has an open conservation technician position and is currently accepting applications.
- CARLI Announcements:
- CARLI is in the Onboarding preparation and planning phase for ALMA. There is a call for members to elect to be one of 5 vanguard sites. Twenty-three members have volunteered.
- Improvements to the display of bibliographic data have been made in New VuFind. View the Change log for more details:
- The CARLI Created Content Committee is hosting 3 webinars on linked data. Additional information is available at
- Preservation Resources Webliography:
- Assessment Planning—Susan (Completed)
- Audio-visual Preservation—Mary (Completed)
- Book Repair and Conservation—Susan (Completed)
- Digital Preservation and Digitization for Preservation—William (In-progress)
- Disaster Planning and Response—William (In-progress)
- Exhibits—Bonnie (In progress)
- General Preservation and Conservation Resources Sites—Ann/Bonnie (In-progress)
- Glossaries—Nora (Completed)
- Grants and Development—Meghan (Completed)
- Legal Issues—Tonia (Completed)
- Library Binding—Emma (Completed)
- Mold, Pests, and the Environment—Ann (Completed)
- Protective Enclosures and Storage —Meghan (Completed)
- Special Collections and Archives—Mary (Completed)
- Social Media—Nicole (In-progress)
- Supply Vendors—Elizabeth (Completed)
- Training—Ann (Completed)
- Continuing Business:
- Annual Project 2018-2019 – Beyond the Book Preserving Your Non-Book Collections:
- Enclosure workshop updates 2019:
- The Save-the-Date announcement was submitted by Bonnie and sent out in the last CARLI newsletter. Registration is expected to open the week of March 11th. CARLI will send out a message to vendors asking for sponsorship shortly. CARLI is expecting a response on sponsorship by April 15th.
- The committee discussed how the program might be adapted if there were no sponsors and agreed if all possible that it should be a hands-on program. Emma and Ann will check with their respective institutions on donating supplies for the workshop.
- The Google document has a list of supplies that are needed.
- Presenters for the workshop need to double-check their names and titles.
- Pre-registration will be available to committee member between March 1-11th
- Preservation Open House—status update:
- Thanks to Bonnie for arranging the site visits. Two Springfield locations have been chosen-- Illinois State Military Museum & Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library & Museum. Bonnie proposed two possible dates: Monday, June 3, Friday, June 7. The Military Museum prefers June 7th but can accommodate either dates. The consensus with the group was to hold the open house on June 7th.
- CARLI can send the save the date notice at any point. The rough timeline outlined would allow for registration to open mid- to late April. Committee members will need to register for the workshop and open house so that lunches and seating plans can be accurately done.
- Advanced Repair Workshop 2020:
- Emma mentioned that she will come back with some webinar ideas.
- New business:
- No new business was introduced.
Tasks Assigned
- Protective Enclosure Workshop:
- Emma and Ann will check with their respective institutions about donating supplies for the program if needed.
- Presenters for the program need to check the draft agenda and update their presentation name, and their name, title, and institution.
- Minutes of the January 14, 2019 meeting were approved prior to the meeting.
- Committee members will register for the enclosure workshop prior to registration opening to the CARLI membership.
- The meeting was adjourned at 10:50am.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines
Schedule of Preservation Committee Meetings:
- March 11, 2019: 10:00-11:30 a.m.
- April 8, 2019: 10:00-11:30 a.m.
- May 13. 2019: 10:00-11:30 a.m.
- June 10, 2019: 10:00-11:30 a.m.
Connection Information:
+1 (888) 983-3631 (toll-free)
+1 (217) 332-6338 (Local Urbana-Champaign number)
+1 (312) 994-8410 (Local Chicago number)
Conference ID: 8962938
- May 8, 2019: Preservation Workshop: Choosing and Constructing Protective Enclosures for Library Materials, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, 8:30 – 3:30
- June 7, 2019: Preservation Open Houses: Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum & Illinois State Military Museum