Conference Call
Members Attending:
- Miriam Centeno, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Jenny Dunbar, College of DuPage
- Beth McGowan, Northern Illinois University
- Anne Thomason, Lake Forest College
- Melanie Schoenborn, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Members Absent:
- Patrick Brown, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
- Greg MacAyeal, Northwestern University
Staff Attending: Elizabeth Clarage
Staff Absent: Nicole Swanson
- Beth McGowan was selected to take minutes.
- The July 2015 minutes were approved.
- After a discussion to clarify Newsletter tips and blog assignments and case studies, these elements were decided upon:
- The Inventory/Appraisal newsletter tips should include an introduction to several possible topics including: appraisal tools, how to identify formats, and care of formats. A bibliography on each of these areas would be welcome.
- Those responsible for newsletter tip, should email questions to Anne and Patrick for them to answer for the case study portion of the monthly topic.
- Articles will be sent to Elizabeth/Nicole between the 20th and 24th of each month as word documents. For September, Melanie will submit by Sept 21st. Everyone interested in commenting on her work will do so by September 24th. The article and tip will then be published by the end of the month.
- Because we anticipate these articles will be longer than the usual 300-500 words for preservation tips, articles will be posted to blog, while only the article’s introductory paragraph with a hot link to the blog will be published in the newsletter.
- The group will discuss the assignment of the February newsletter tip at a later meeting.
- The committee tentatively planned a Workshop on April 18, 2016 to concentrate on Audiovisual Preservation at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. Miriam will confirm that this date works for Josh Harris as the main presenter. If this date does not work, then they group will look at a July date.
- The committee decided to meet in person in April. The tentative date to be Tuesday, April 19, 2015 the day after the workshop. This date will be confirmed with those not available for today’s meeting.
- Meeting adjourned at 11:15 am.
- Elizabeth announced that Mike Starasta has resigned from the committee. The committee now has two vacancies: one for a three year term (negotiable), one for a one year term. CARLI is open to the idea of having people from same institutions serve on this committee to fill these vacancies.
- Miriam announced that the soft launch for the Preservation Self-Assessment Program (PSAP) continues, with the most updated version of the Audiovisual Self Assessment Program (AvSAP) portion included in the PSAP rather than as its previous stand alone release.
Discussion Items
- Fall open house:
- University of Chicago: Sherry Byrne has indicated that Friday October 23, 2015 is the best date for a program. The Open House / Tour will be a half day from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm with different groups through different routes through the library. Miriam will set up a conference call with Sherry, Elizabeth, Miriam, and Beth to set up logisitics: i.e., lunch, parking, number of groups for the tours.
- Elizabeth has not had any luck getting in touch with CRL.
- It was decided that we would end the day with University of Chicago at 2:00 pm but leave attendees with handouts of nearby exhibits, etc.
- Preservation Annual Project—Audio Visual Preservation Theme
- Miriam introduced the committee to the FY2014 Preservation Statistics Survey Report ( She shared conclusions from the American Library Association report, noting that audiovisual materials are at great risk and that little is being done to protect them. Although this survey is not as large as some, Illinois is well-represented in it. The group may wish to keep eyes open for other new sources addressing AV preservation.
- Miriam believes that Josh Harris will help us with commentary on the whole as we turn the monthly tips into its own web site for the annual project.
Tasks Assigned
- Miriam will set up a conference call with Sherry, Elizabeth, Miriam, and Beth to set up logistics for the Open House: i.e., lunch, parking, number of groups for the tours. Elizabeth will setup the phone number for the call.
- Miriam will contact Josh Harris regarding the Spring 2015 Workshop.
- Melanie will take on April grant writing article due in April.
- Jenny will add Grants and Development to the areas that she checks for the Preservation Webliography.
- Full list of the year’s webliography assignments:
- Miriam Centeno: Book Repair and Conservation; Protective Enclosures and Storage.
- Elizabeth Clarage: General Preservation and Conservation Resources Sites (shared with Greg MacAyeal).
- Jenny Dunbar: Exhibits; Grants and Development; Mold, Pests, and the Environment, Audio-Visual Preservation.
- Patrick Brown: Digital Preservation and Digitization for Preservation, Legal Issues.
- Anne Thomason: Disaster Planning and Response, Glossaries.
- Greg MacAyeal: General Preservation and Conservation Resources Sites (shared with Elizabeth Clarage).
- Beth McGowan: Special Collections and Archives; Training.
- Melanie Schoenborn: Assessment Planning; Library Binding.
- Nicole Swanson: Blogs and Listservs; Supply Vendors.
Next Meeting Dates
Conference call at 10 am
217 332 6338
312 994 8410
888 983 3631 (toll free)
Conference ID: 9401938
September 21, 2015
October 19, 2015
November 16, 2015
December 14, 2015 (second Monday)
January 25, 2015 (fourth Monday)
February 15, 2015
March 21, 2015
April 18, 2015 (subject to confirmation, change to April 19, in-person at CARLI Office)
May 16, 2015
June 20, 2015