Conference Call
Members Attending:
- Jennifer Hunt Johnson, Illinois State University
- Beth McGowan, co-chair, Northern Illinois University
- Bonnie Parr, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library
- Melanie Schoenborn, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
- Anne Thomason, co-chair, Lake Forest College
Members Absent:
- Jenny Dunbar, College of DuPage
- Greg MacAyeal, Northwestern University
- Jamie Nelson, DePaul University
- Meghan Ryan, National Louis University
Staff Attending:
- Elizabeth Clarage
- Nicole Swanson
- CARLI announcements:
- Elizabeth reported that there is no new budget news, upcoming CARLI Open Houses and Forums are listed in the calendar, and the E-Resources fiscal year selection system opens later this month.
- Member announcements: none
- Annual Project: Disaster Planning/ newsletter tip assignments:
- 1st week of April (Beth – Statistics) The article should be done this week. Beth is also writing about the April 10 CARLI Collections Care workshop, which will be published in either the April or May newsletter.
- 1st week of May – Either the Statistics article or the review of the Collections Care workshop
- 1st week of June (Anne –Conclusion) This article should be done by May 23.
- Webliography:
- Tumblr and Twitter entries that Elizabeth compiled for addition to the new “Social Media.” The committee discussed if the webliography should not include links to private individuals or for-profit businesses since there inclusion might be considered an endorsement by CARLI.
- The Twitter for, @ndiipp was discussed as the account had not been active since 2015 as a concern was that it may not be a relevant information source.
- Events:
- April 10 Collections care Workshop: Beth and Melanie gave good reviews of the workshop and thanked the presenters. There were 25 attendees, including committee members, with 21 institutions (university and research libraries) represented. Nicole and Melanie asked about sending an evaluation to participants of the CARLI Collections Care workshop to gauge the effectiveness of the workshop and get input for topics and interest in future workshops. There was also discussion on including an announcement of the July 11 Mold and Water Recovery workshop and providing a link to the volunteer form for the CARLI Preservation Committee.
- July 11 Mold and Water Recovery Workshop: Bonnie did not have any additional news about the workshop. She asked about a timeline for announcing the workshop and registration for it. Elizabeth said the announcement could go into the April newsletter if it is written in the next 5-8 business days. Registration will begin about May 30.
- Nominations for Preservation Committee volunteers:
- Beth knows of an interested co-worker at NIU. Nicole and Elizabeth noted that new volunteers need to complete the volunteer form found on the CARLI website. Continuing committee members do not need to reapply.
- The committee will need 4 new volunteers to fill spots vacated by current members whose terms will end.
- Bonnie Parr was confirmed to take minutes.
- The agenda was approved as submitted.
- The March 13, 2017 minutes were approved.
- The committee decided to allow only institutional links for Tumblr and Twitter listings in the Webliography.
- The committee decided to list the twitter link, @ndiipp (Library of Congress National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program) even though it has been inactive, because of the value of the information contained in the tweets.
- An online survey evaluating the Collections Care Workshop will be sent to participants and will include an announcement of the next workshop in July and a call for volunteers for the Preservation Committee.
- The meeting adjourned at 10:40.
Tasks Assigned
- Nicole will send an online evaluation to participants of the Collections Care Workshop, which will also include announcements of the July workshop and a request for volunteers for the next Preservation Committee.
- Bonnie will write a paragraph announcing the July 11 Mold and Water Recovery Workshop for the April newsletter.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines
Schedule of Preservation Committee Meetings:
- May 8, 2017: 10:00-11:30 (Jenny Dunbar, College of DuPage, is assigned to take minutes).
- June 12, 2017: 10:00-11:30
Connection Information:
+1 888 983 3631 (toll-free)
+1 217 332 6338 (Local Urbana-Champaign number)
+1 312 994 8410 (Local Chicago number)
Conference ID: 55714588