Governance / Preservation Committee Meeting: April 19, 2016
Preservation Committee Meeting: April 19, 2016
CARLI Office, Champaign
Members Attending:
Mary Burns 2015-2016, Northern Illinois University
Jenny Dunbar 2014-2015, College of DuPage
Miriam Centeno 2014-2016, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Greg MacAyeal, 2014-2017, Northwestern University
Beth McGowan 2013-2016, Northern Illinois University
Jamie Nelson 2015-2018, DePaul University
Patrick Brown 2015 -2018, SIU Carbondale
Member Absent:
Melanie Schoenborn, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Staff Attending:
Elizabeth Clarage
Nicole Swanson
Greg was assigned to take minutes.
The agenda was approved.
Jenny’s edits to the Preservation Resources Website were approved by committee vote.
March meeting minutes will be approved later by email vote.
Discussion Items
AV Preservation Workshop Post Mortem
Have shorter day next time around
Have more information on basic storage of AV materials
Reconsider the importance of the tape splicing exercise
Elizabeth and Nicole will send surveys to attendees
Parking was ok
Grad student presenters did a terrific job
We should consider running the program again in 2 years
Perhaps develop a follow up program – something of an advanced AV preservation topics workshop. Possible topics include:
More hands-on activity
Greater depth on all formats
How to pack for cold storage
Copyright/grant writing
Born digital preservation issues and concerns
Talking to vendors
Non loss vs. lossy formats used in reformatting
Annual Project/Newsletter Tips on AV Preservation
Still image is a visual format so it shall be included
Jamie’s assignment is complete as of 3/29
Miriam is up next with “care and handling”
Annual Project Website
The committee looked at a few websites for formatting ideas including the Northeast Document Conservation Center ( and the American Institute for Conservation of Art and Historic Works (AIC) Wiki (
Our annual project needs to be complete by the end of May – 5/31. To have time to review prior to submission, the committee would like to review by 5/20. The website does not need to be up, but the content must be settled. The annual project must be to the CARLI Board by 5/31.
Elizabeth and Nicole will upload the site to CARLI servers when it’s ready.
For style/citation questions, we will follow MLA style.
Title for web page was suggested to be begin “A Year in the Life…”
Headings will consist of:
Care and storage
Disaster Planning
Reflections on the Year
Case studies will become part of the reflections section.
The committee prefers that the sections be separate pages or windows and not be formatted as blinds.
Tasks to be completed by committee members are:
Read over/edit their own entries by 5/16
Read other entries and identify committee reflections by 5/16
Miriam will write the overview blurb by 5/16
Annual Report
Recommendation for next year:
Did the method of creating content for blog/annual project work well? Was the format of the newsletter content feeding into the annual project a good model?
The method of creating content during the year made more work for some during the year, but may produce less work at year’s end.
Having an overall project allowed for better planning and scheduling.
Some members felt there was ambiguity between case studies and blog narratives.
Case study participants did not see consistent questions from members.
Ideas for next year:
Choose a topic from the remaining 4 from the 2015 preservation survey to pursue.
Burn workshop needs to be on calendar by August 2016 if we are going to run it next summer – tabled for June agenda.
Miriam will contact the conservator at ISU to see if we can run a book & paper conservation event in spring 2017. Possible locations may be COD or UIUC
Greg will talk to NU to see if we can hold an open house at NU fall 2016.
Tasks Assigned
All members are to read over/edit their own blog entries by 5/16 for annual project.
Read other entries and look for reflections by 5/16.
Miriam will write the overview blurb by 5/16 for annual project.