Conference Call
Members Attending:
- Mary Burns, Northern Illinois University
- Jenny Dunbar, College of DuPage
- Beth McGowan, Northern Illinois University
- Melanie Schoenborn, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Members Absent:
- Patrick Brown, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
- Miriam Centeno, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Greg MacAyeal, Northwestern University
- Jamie Nelson, DePaul University
- Anne Thomason, Lake Forest College
Staff Attending:
- Elizabeth Clarage
- Nicole Swanson
- Jenny Dunbar was selected to take minutes.
- The November 2015 agenda was accepted.
- The October 2015 minutes were not available therefore not approved.
- Meeting adjourned at 10:23 am.
- Elizabeth mentioned that Jamie Nelson will be joining the group for the December meeting. She was unable to attend this month’s meeting due to a previous commitment.
- Fall open house:
- The open house was a great success. The group extends their thanks to Elizabeth for the outstanding job she did coordinating it.
- The participant survey is positive. There were comments about the walk between University of Chicago and the Center for Research Libraries being an issue. Parking/walking was also raised in the survey after the Springfield open house. Accommodations for persons needing closer parking could have been made, but no one requested it. Also, there were interesting suggestions in the survey for other venues of interest for future events.
- The committee still feels that a full day open house is best. Persons traveling a distance appreciate having a full day of activities to attend.
- Preservation Annual Project – Audio Visual Preservation Workshop
- Josh Harris, media preservation specialist at UIUC, is getting the labs ready. The labs can accommodate 20-30 persons. Miriam has reserved room 106 for Monday, April 18, 2016.
- Melanie requested a list of hotel suggestions in the Urbana/Champaign area for the spring workshop.
- Miriam will be unable to write the Disaster Planning portion of the annual project, due in March 2016. Someone will need to take on this item.
Tasks Assigned
- Elizabeth or Nicole will contact Patrick about getting the October 19, 2015 minutes.
- Elizabeth will send out thank you letters to the staff and leaders at the University of Chicago and the Center for Research Libraries.
- Beth will check with Jamie to see if she would be willing to take on the Disaster Planning component of the annual project.
- Elizabeth or Nicole will compile a list of hotels in the Urbana/Champaign area that offer a state rate.
- Members of the committee will have their Webliography additions forwarded to the other members soon, so that the additions can be approved at the next meeting.
Next Meeting Dates
Conference call at 10 am
217 332 6338
312 994 8410
888 983 3631 (toll free)
Conference ID: 9401938
- December 14, 2015 (second Monday)
- January 25, 2015 (fourth Monday)
- February 15, 2015
- March 21, 2015
- April 18, 2015 (subject to confirmation, change to April 19, in-person at CARLI Office)
- May 16, 2015
- June 20, 2015