Conference Call
Members Attending:
- Miriam Centeno, 2014-2016, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Jenny Dunbar, 2014-2015, College of DuPage
- Greg MacAyeal, 2014-2017, Northwestern University
- Beth McGowan, 2013-2016, Northern Illinois University
- Anne Thomason, 2014-2017Lake Forest College
- Sandra Fritz, 2013-2015, Illinois State Library
Member Absent:
- Lorraine Olley, 2013-2015, University of Saint Mary of the Lake Mundelein Seminary
Staff attending:
- Nicole Swanson
- Elizabeth Clarage
- May minutes were approved.
- The Committee is considering meeting in Champaign the day after the IFSI Burn Simulation and Recovery Workshop or the last week of July at CARLI headquarters for the first meeting of the 2015-2016 cycle.
- Sandra will write the June Newsletter tip.
- Beth will write the July Newsletter tip summarizing the results of the Preservation Survey.
- Greg will write the August Newsletter tip with some lessons learned from the Burn Simulation and Recovery workshop.
- IFSI Summer Burn Simulation and Recovery Workshop:
- CARLI staff contacted the American Institute for Conservation and ordered Emergency Response and Salvage Wheels for workshop attendees.
- Ten people have registered thus far for the workshop including current members of the committee and CARLI staff.
- Registration is now open to all CARLI members.
- Miriam is working with their acquisitions department to get materials and media for the burn. UIUC facilities staff will transport materials to the IFSI.
- Annual Project:
- The Committee’s project was submitted.
- Sandra thanked everyone who worked on project, writing the survey, writing up the results, editing and commenting.
- Webliography:
- Jenny will send corrections to her piece of the webliography and suggestions for additions.
- Blog:
- Lorraine and Miriam were going to write a piece together on de-acidification. As Lorraine is out, Greg will work with Miriam to help reach out to Susan Russick at Northwestern to see if she has an article or materials already written on the topic that she might be willing to share.
- Fall Open House:
- First discussion of possible Chicago tours focused on Newberry and Northwestern. Because of logistics concerns, University of Chicago and Center for Research Libraries were suggested as alternative sites as they are near each other.
- Thank you to Sandra and Lorraine for your contributions to the committee and for serving as co-chairs for 2014-2015.
Tasks Assigned
- All members: Please check your webliography links if you have not already. Send updates to the Committee for their approval. Nicole and Elizabeth will make accepted changes to the website.
- Elizabeth will create a doodle poll for the first meeting of the 2015-2016 meeting.
- Fall Open House:
- Miriam will contact the University of Chicago and Elizabeth will contact the Center for Research Libraries.
- New Members:
- 3 year terms:
- Patrick Brown, Southern Illinois University-Carbondale
- Melanie Schoenborn, Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville
- Angela Jordan, DePaul University
- 1 year term:
- Mike Starasta, Lincoln College
- Continuing Members:
- Jenny Dunbar, College of DuPage will continue another year with us
- Beth McGowan, Northern Illinois University will continue through 2017
Next Meeting
In Person: TBD [since determined to be July 17, 2015 at the CARLI Office in Champaign