Conference call
Members attending:
- Jenny Dunbar 2014-2015, College of DuPage
- Miriam Centeno 2014-2016, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Greg MacAyeal, 2014-2017, Northwestern University
- Sandra Fritz 2013-2015, Illinois State Library
- Beth McGowan 2013-2016, Northern Illinois University
- Lorraine Olley 2013-2015, University of Saint Mary of the Lake Mundelein Seminary
Members absent:
- Anne Thomason 2014-2017, Lake Forest College
- Julie Wroblewski , 2013-2015, Benedictine University
Staff attending:
- Elizabeth Clarage
- Nicole Swanson
- November 18 meeting minutes approved by unanimous vote
- Elizabeth provided information about the CARLI Yearbook Digitization Project. This project is available to all CARLI Governing members. As with previous digitization projects, CARLI is working with the Internet Archive, and digitized yearbooks will be made freely available on the IA website. For more information, see:
- Greg announced the preservation/conservation lab at Northwestern is about to undergo a massive renovation. This will bring the facility up to date, allow better work flow and provide better facilities for documenting ongoing work.
- Miriam asked the PC to share any activities that we may be planning in our libraries for Preservation Week in February.
- Summer Burn Recovery workshop – Topics for the workshop have been settled, and will be covered by one of the two already engaged speakers – either Jenny or the Fire Marshall. A number of July dates are under consideration, and this will be settled soon. A poll will be distributed to PC members to determine interest and availability which will then help inform the final date selection. This event does not need approval of the Program Committee – good news. The event will take place at the Illinois Fire Service Institute at 11 Gerty Drive, Champaign.
- Spring Preservation Tour in Springfield – There are two dates under consideration. March 9 is the preferred date, with March 17 as a backup. Both dates are fine for the libraries and staff involved, but the backup date poses a problem for the lunch location. It’s possible the lunch location will be moved and other food options considered. Other logistics questions will be resolved soon, i.e. parking information and specific room assignments.
- Nicole reported that she and Elizabeth are able to edit the main PC web page, but that is possible for members to edit subpages. If anyone has trouble making edits, Nicole and Elizabeth can offer assistance.
- A potential new member has been contacted by Elizabeth, and we are waiting to hear back if this person is able and willing to accept the appointment. This person is from a public institution, which keeps the balance among PC members appropriate. It’s possible we’ll have the new member in place by the January conference call.
- Preservation Committee Annual Project--CARLI Institutions Preservation Survey: The following statement was discussed:
The purpose of the Preservation Survey is to gather information from CARLI member institutions that indicate the level of institutional commitment (as documented in an institution's budget, resources, and personnel) to preservation and conservation of its collections in all media/formats. A related question the Survey hopes to clarify is the level of preservation/conservation expertise currently in place in CARLI institutions. The goal of the survey is to compile a portrait of the capacity for preservation activity across CARLI. This portrait will present a baseline against which to measure the development of preservation capabilities in the consortium. It will also form the foundation upon which the Preservation Committee can plan for effective products and projects, both independently and with other CARLI groups. The Survey results and recommendations will be presented to CARLI as the 2015 Preservation Committee Annual Project.
All members felt the text is well written and on target with the message. Recommended changes include moving the last section (beginning with “This portrait…”) to the top of the paragraph, and the use of bullet points to help with clarity and brevity. Another suggestion is to include an instruction that each institution should reply to the survey only once. Lorraine will take the suggestions and create a revised paragraph and share with the PC.
- Following the discussion of the text, the PC discussed the actual survey. We need to be sure to keep on task in order to meet our deadlines. (Recorder note: previously stated deadlines include having a final survey by 12/15, and survey distribution by 1/15/15.) In order to have the survey ready for distribution by mid-January, PC members should consult the previously distributed sample questions - Greg will resend this document to the list. Comments and suggestions should be sent to the list, and Greg will amend and refine in an ongoing basis prior to the January 6th PC conference call. The survey will hopefully be finalized and approved during the January call.
- Preservation Webliography, Blog and Tips column issues: Anne is on the hook for the January tip, and this needs to be in by the end of December.
Reminder: Next meeting January 6, 2015, 9:30-10:30 am