In-Person Meeting, CARLI Office
Members attending:
- Miriam Centeno 2014-2016, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Jenny Dunbar 2014-2015, College of DuPage
- Sandra Fritz 2013-2015, Illinois State Library
- Jennifer Ho 2014-2017, University of St. Francis
- Beth McGowan 2013-2016, Northern Illinois University (phone)
- Lorraine Olley 2013-2015, University of Saint Mary of the Lake Mundelein Seminary
- Anne Thomason 2014-2017, Lake Forest College (phone)
Members absent:
- Gregory MacAyeal, 2014-2017, Northwestern University
- Julie Wroblewski , 2013-2015, Benedictine University
Staff attending:
- Elizabeth Clarage
- Nicole Swanson
- Susan Singleton, Executive Director of CARLI.
- Minutes of the June 11, 2014 meeting were approved by the two continuing members who attended that meeting- Sandra & Lorraine.
- For its Annual Project, the group decided to conduct a consortium wide survey on the state of Preservation in CARLI institutions.
- The group decided to publish two Blogs this year, one in the Fall and one in the Spring.
- The group decided to plan Spring open houses to visit various libraries and archives in Springfield to learn about their preservation activities.
- The group decided to offer the Burn Recovery workshop in mid-July FY2015.
- Members volunteered for the Preservation Tips articles for the newsletter.
- Next set of meetings scheduled on the first Tuesday of every month 9:30-11:00
- Jenny Dunbar has volunteered to host the next in person meeting to be hosted by in the College of Dupage on April 7th.
- The Committee has received an invitation to present last year’s white paper at the CARLI Annual Meeting and has respectfully declined to attend this year.
- Miriam Centeno will attend a course at the Campbell Center in Sept. about the Care and Conservation of Paper Artifacts-The course is offered as part of a Collections Care certificate program.
- Sandra Fritz 2013-2015, Illinois State Library IMLS Advisory Committee on PSAP (Preservation Self-Assessment Plan) to be held on 8/29/14.
- Jennifer Ho invited the group to look at the Chicago Archivist sponsored opening of Roger Brown retrospective in the School of the Art Institute and the Chicago Film Archives tour.
- Lorraine Olley had a visit from the Vatican numistic expert to look the University of Saint Mary of the Lake Mundelein Seminary’s collection of Vatican coins and medals and give recommendations for their care.
- Review of Chairs’ Meeting on 7/21/14
- Susan Singleton- Susan welcomed new and continuing members of the Preservation Committee to the in person meeting at the CARLI offices. Susan also discussed the outcomes of the Chairs Meeting, following up on questions of the creation of “White Papers” which are now known as “Annual Projects” documents. The topic of the annual project should be shared with Susan by November 1st. Susan also discussed the board’s wish that committees share their professional expertise with the membership through these project and that they could work together in joint projects.
- Joint Projects- Lorraine discussed the possibility of working with the Digital Preservation Committee on a joint Annual Project, conducting a survey and submitting a report or recommendation based on the findings.
- The group agreed that instead we need a more general survey of the status of preservation in CARLI institutions for our Annual Project.
- Proposed survey titles:
- “Consortia survey to ascertain the staffing and resources currently available for preservation of CARLI member institutions
- “Snapshot of organizational resources for preservation in CARLI institutions.”
- Blogs alternatives- YouTube Videos & Podcast – the group discussed creating a YouTube playlist of Preservation videos on the CARLI channel or podcasts.
- New Wiki- Nicole discussed the migration of the Preservation Wiki to the Drupal Preservation group page.
- Burn Recovery workshop - the group discussed the option of offering this class every two years.
Tasks assigned:
1. Preservation Webliography:
Members volunteered to review sections:
A. General Topics
- General Preservation and Conservation Resources - Gregory MacAyeal (?) & Elizabeth Clarage
- Supply Vendors - Nicole Swanson
- Blogs and Listservs - Jennifer Ho
- Glossaries - Nicole Swanson
B. Specific Topics
- Assessment Planning- Lorraine Olley
- Audio-Visual Preservation (Analog and Digital) - Jennifer Ho
- Book Repair and Conservation - Miriam Centeno
- Digital Preservation and Digitization for Preservation - Sandra Fritz
- Disaster Planning and Response - Anne Thomason
- Exhibits - Jenny Dunbar
- Grants and Development - Julie Wroblewski (?)
- Legal Issues - Jennifer Ho
- Library Binding - Lorraine Olley
- Mold, Pests and the Environment - Jenny Dunbar
- Protective Enclosures and Storage - Miriam Centeno
- Special Collections and Archives - Beth McGowan
- Training - Beth McGowan
2. “Preservation Tip” newsletter contributions: all members should look at the list of topics and add or choose for possible future articles.
Article contributions
- September - Beth McGowan
- October - Gregory MacAyeal (?)
- November- Jennifer Ho
- December - Sandra Fritz
- January - Anne Thomason
- February – Miriam Centeno
- March - Julie Wroblewski (?)
- April - Jenny Dunbar
- May - Jennifer Ho
- June - Lorraine Olley
3. Blog Contributions
- FALL- We need a FALL volunteer
- SPRING – Miriam/Lorraine to work something about either Deacidification or Freeze Drying.
4. Workshops
- Summer Burn Recovery workshop
- Miriam to check with Jennifer Hain Teper whether UIUC would like to participate and to see how much ISFI charged last time ICPN offered the class
- Elizabeth will follow up with ISFI to see if they have room in the calendar and what is their current fee.
5. Spring Preservation Tour in Springfield- Sandra Fritz will coordinate with libraries and archives to host a tour learn about their preservation activities in Springfield.
6. CARLI Institutions Preservation Survey
- Miriam to look for original questionnaire for the Heritage Health Index as model for our survey and to see if ICPN has conducted similar surveys.
- ALL MEMBERS – Look in the literature and identify what has been done in the past 5 yrs in Illinois to survey preservation activities statewide.
- Look at other past surveys to use as models.
- Timeline
- Next meeting – Oct 7- will be more focused on the survey
- Committee to have language ready for announcement for the Annual Meeting 10/31/14
- Work on questionnaire
- 10 day lead for Susan & Margaret to review the survey
- Survey distribution
- Gather & analyze results
- Recommendations
- Publication
Meeting Dates:
- Tuesday, October 7, conference call
- Tuesday, November 4, conference call
- Tuesday, December 2, conference call
- Tuesday, January 6, conference call
- Tuesday, February 3, conference call
- Tuesday, March 3, conference call
- Tuesday, April 7, in-person meeting at College of DuPage
- Tuesday, May 5, conference call
- Tuesday, June 2, conference call