Conference Call
Members attending: Bonnie Parr (Chair), Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library; David Bell, Eastern Illinois University; Sandra Fritz, Illinois State Library; Annette Morris, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Andrew Huot, Illinois State University; Lorraine Olley, University of Saint Mary of the Lake Mundelein Seminary
Members absent: Beth McGowan, Northern Illinois University; Julie Wroblewski, Benedictine University
Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Nicole Swanson
- The April minutes were accepted as posted.
- The group decided that links to the articles for the CARLI blog should be added to the Preservation Webliography under both the blog section as well as topical sections.
- Sandra Fritz and Lorraine Olley will be co-chairs of the Preservation Committee for 2014-2015.
- Annette sent a note prior to the meeting announcing her retirement. She is resigning from the committee as of the end of June.
- Andrew announced that he will be leaving ISU. He is resigning from the committee as of the end of June.
- The Board received the committee’s white paper and annual report. The Board has decided to ask for a project from each group next year but will give more direction to the committees on this task.
- David Bell and Bonnie Parr are rotating off the committee. They along with Andrew and Annette were thanked for their service.
- New members of the committee are Jennifer Ho, University of St. Francis; Greg MacAyeal, Northwestern University; and Anne Thomason, Lake Forest College. They will serve from July 2014 – June 2017. Beth McGowan was re-appointed to the committee for two years for July 2014 – June 2016.
- The group discussed the articles that have been created for the CARLI blog on preservation training for disaster preparedness. Lorraine will finish her summer entry by the end of July.
- The group discussed next Tuesday’s webinar, “Pests of the Midwest and Environmental Monitoring.” Presenters will be testing their VoIP connection this afternoon. Annette will moderate. She will come over to the CARLI Office along with Miriam Centeno for the webinar. The order of the presentations is Bonnie Parr, David Bell, and Miriam and William Schlaack (recorded presentation) will be third.
- The FY2015 Burn Recovery Workshop was discussed. Sandra will be in touch with Beth and Julie to begin planning. Bonnie said that she would be a resource person if needed. The small planning group will touch base with Jennifer Teper of UIUC regarding the program as she has a good relationship with the Illinois Fire Service Institute staff and has presented at previous programs. Bonnie mentioned that Macomb Public Library may have discards that could be used for the program. Andrew mentioned that ISU may also. Elizabeth asked that if libraries are removing shelving that they consider donating for the program as shelves will also be needed for the burn portion of the program.
- The group discussed future programming to continue its April discussion and items mentioned in the group’s white paper. Items mentioned were informational pamphlets, preservation training curriculum, and additional webinars. Members wondered about additional feedback on what CARLI members want. The group may add additional questions to next week’s webinar evaluation about future programming. If the group decides that it needs additional feedback, it is possible to send a survey to the membership.
- The group discussed the benefits of having an in-person meeting for the first meeting of the new committee.
Tasks Assigned
- Elizabeth volunteered to take minutes.
- Nicole/Elizabeth will add blog entries from Andrew on deodorization and Annette on disaster preparedness training to the CARLI website.
- Andrew will send Nicole/Elizabeth the title for his blog entry.
- Elizabeth/Nicole will write an article for the CARLI newsletter that leads back to the blog articles that committee members wrote.
- Elizabeth/Nicole will add links from the blog entries to the Preservation Webliography.
- Bonnie will email Beth and ask if she would write a preservation tip for the July CARLI newsletter.
- Sandra will write a preservation tip for the August CARLI newsletter.
- Elizabeth/Nicole will ask CARLI staff if data / analytics are available for the use of the Preservation Webliography.
- All group members will review their sections of the Preservation Webliography and send updates to Elizabeth/Nicole by June 30th.
- Annette will ask her colleagues if there is any interest on serving on the Preservation Committee. If requested, Bonnie can send a personal invitation to volunteer.
- Elizabeth/Nicole will create the evaluation for the “Pests of the Midwest and Environmental Monitoring” webinar. Group members will suggest wording for questions regarding future programming for the evaluation.
- Elizabeth/Nicole will send out the welcome message for the new committee and to plan the first meeting of the FY2015 committee.