In Person Meeting
Milner Library, Illinois State University, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Members attending: Bonnie Parr (Chair), Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library, David Bell, Eastern Illinois University, Sandra Fritz, Illinois State Library, Beth McGowan, Northern Illinois University, Annette Morris, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Andrew Huot, Illinois State University, Julie Wroblewski, Benedictine University, Lorraine Olley, University of Saint Mary of the Lake Mundelein Seminary
Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Nicole Swanson
- Approval of minutes
- Schedule a Spring FY15 Burn Recovery Workshop
- Andrew participated in SIUE’s digital preservation workshop Here Today, Here Tomorrow: Preserving Digital Content for the Future on April 4th.
- CARLI digital preservation webinars: April 8 was Store & Protect, May 6 will be Manage & Provide
- Sandra learned about UIUC’s online survey to assess preservation systems – IMLS 2yr grant
- For National Preservation Week, Bonnie is giving a talk for Lee County’s Small Museum Conference
- Julie will attend the Midwest Archives Conference where the POWRR group will be presenting their results
- ISU will be posting a conservation position- full time/civil service
Discussion items:
Old Business
- Preservation webliography
- Unless the content is still useful, hide preservation blogs on the preservation resources webpage if the blogs are not updated in 2 months
- Preservation tips for the CARLI newsletter
- Julie will send her article to the ccg list
- Andrew- April newsletter, topic tbd
- Beth- May newsletter, topic tbd
- Lorraine- June newsletter, Library Bindings
- Blog contributions
- Spring- Annette, library disaster videos- send by the end of next week
- Summer- Lorraine, book repair / binding
New Business:
- White Paper
- Due May 30th
- Topic: Current state of preservation\conservation training and resources for preservation\conservation assistance
- Resources
- Preservation training for digital preservation:
- Preservation training for print resources:
- Additional discussion: How can CARLI reach a larger audience to raise awareness of preservation concerns in 1-3 years
- Create a preservation informational pamphlet from this group
- Possibly share with other systems/libraries through ILDS
- Include a calendar of preservation trainings
- Members of this group could reach out to libraries, contacting them directly
- Create a curriculum for training to present for other institutions
- Host at CARLI libraries (not just I-Share libraries)
- Provide attendees with the tools/packet to do their own outreach in their community (public libraries, advertising to faculty of colleges, genealogy/historical societies)
- Possible curriculum topics:
- Intro to preservation
- Materials important to use
- Where and how to store materials
- Preservation on a shoestring
- Preserving family photos/book collections
- Easy to do steps for people to readily apply
- Bonnie has given sessions on how to care for documents, acid free, environment guidelines
- Formats:
- A webinar would reach more people
- There is a benefit to in-person training too, especially for preservation topics
- Discussion of a possible white paper structure
- Webinar: Pests of the Midwest and Environmental Monitoring
- Length: 1 hour 30 min.
- Participants
- Moderator- Annette
- 15 min. Bonnie- environmental monitoring- palm pilot
- 30 min. David- environmental monitoring- home-grown system
- 30 min. Miriam Centeno and William Schlaack- pests of the Midwest, practical application of an IPM program
- 10-15 min. questions
- Date: Tuesday June 17th or Thursday June 19th from 10-11:30am
- Members will encourage colleagues to volunteer for the FY15 committee
- Scheduling FY15 Burn Recovery Workshop
- Planning sub-group
- Annette, Sandra, Beth, Andrew, Julie all wanted to be part of this
- A tentative agenda is on the preservation wiki from the 2011 request
- Contact Jennifer Teper in case she would like to lead this again, or has a recommendation of someone to lead this.
- Dates:
- Planning sub-group will meet in the summer
- By the end of September, have everything ready to send to the planning committee
- By November, notify IFSI to get on their Spring 2015 calendar
- Tentatively, a Spring program:
- Mid-July is best for IFSI, and August is also good
- Avoid Fire School dates, and especially around the last weekend of May/weekend after Memorial Day
- Other Business: Think about serving as FY15 committee chair
Tasks assigned:
- Annette will check and email the committee if blogs on the website are no longer being updated
- Julie will send minutes to the committee by 4/18
- White paper:
- Committee members will collaborate on the white paper content for 2 weeks on the preservation email list
- All edits should be shared by May 2nd. David will then compile a draft by May 9th
- Beth will work on a Save the Date announcement and send it to the group in early May
- Nicole/Elizabeth will set up a technology test for the June webinar, request a registration page, and send the Save the Date announcement
Meeting dates:
- Last FY14 meeting – June 11 (conference call)