Conference Call
Members Attending: Annette Alvarado (Loyola University Chicago), Anne Chernaik (College of Lake County), Chris Diaz (Northwestern University), Kathy Ladell (Northern Illinois University), Anne Shelley (Illinois State University), Sue Shultz (DePaul University), Janet Swatscheno (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Linda Zellmer (Western Illinois University)
Members Absent: Elizabeth Nelson (McHenry Community College)
Staff Attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Lorna Engels, Anne Craig
- Anne Chernaik will be taking minutes.
- The edited minutes sent right before the meeting for 9/29 were accepted with the additional edit that Sue will be presenting with Anne S. at the CARLI Annual meeting Annette was thanked for her detailed minutes.
- The task force will discuss its December conference all (December 19) at its November meeting.
- The future CARLI OER website should have a navigational bar on the left of the page to allow easy movement from one topic area to another.
- The task force will meet the third Tuesday of each month from 1-2 pm via conference call.
- The task force will have an in-person meeting on December 4 at the CARLI Office in Champaign.
Tasks Assigned
- Submit any OER/OTN activities, resources, or tools to Elizabeth and Lorna by Friday, October 20 for an email announcement to members for Open Access Week.
- Anne Shelley has some ideas on resources for Open Access week and will send out links to the task force members for feedback.
- All task force members will submit a paragraph for the CARLI newsletter about on a take away from the OTNSI or something relevant that you have learned about OER to Elizabeth by October 24.
- Anne Shelley, Chris Diaz, and Anne Cherniak volunteered during the meeting to work on a webinar for the CARLI membership on getting started with OER.
- All task force members that are interested in helping on the webinar for the membership should email Anne Shelley by Friday, October 20.
- All task force members should let Elizabeth know if they have any preferences for the data presentation for the OER Survey.
- Elizabeth will send Annette the information that OTN staff shared about location requirements for the April OTN training.
- Elizabeth, Lorna, and Annette will contact CARLI members about holding the April OTN training at their institution.
- Elizabeth will check with Margaret at the CARLI Office about an article for the next newsletter about OTN resources and access for CARLI members.
- Elizabeth and Lorna will work with the CARLI webmaster to create the preferred format for the OER website. Once it is created, they will let the task force know.
- The task force is asked to think about possible activities for Open Education Week, March 5-9, 2018 for discussion at a later meeting.
- Elizabeth and Lorna will send task force members information about the in-person meeting including location, directions, and lunch details.
- Member Announcements:
- Sue will be having a meeting in the library to set up committee on OA collections and OER. They will draft proposals and objectives during this meeting.
- Chris will be meeting with a working group on course materials out of the Provosts office. Chris is investigating ways to incentivize OER creation and reviewing faculty grant programs in order to get Provost support.
- Kathy Ladell has 10 people attending her alternative resource workshop. Elizabeth (CARLI) has offered to be a guinea pig.
- Sue met with the scholarly communication librarians at UIC (OTN institutional member). She gave her notes and the slide deck from OTN.
- Linda mentioned that she has been timing her workshops to the points in the semester when faculty are deciding on which course materials or textbooks to use for the upcoming semester so that open resources are added to the conversation.
- CARLI Announcements:
- Benedictine University (from two campuses) had contacted CARLI for information on presenting on OER for their campuses. Elizabeth presented the OTN slide deck, and Chris and Lorna also provided information for their upcoming presentations.
- Anne C. and Elizabeth gave a presentation at the Illinois Library Association Annual Conference that included information about CARLI’s OTN membership and defining the Open Illinois Initiative. It included some preliminary information from the OER Survey. A portion of the program included breaking into small groups to talk about local OER efforts. Thanks to Sue and Anne S. who took part in the presentation and helped lead two of the breakouts.
- Discussion with Terri Galloway (Louis Consortium)
- CARLI is willing to hold open conference lines to discuss local development so those on the task force that would like to receive feedback on their developing programs are able to easily converse.
- Terri also suggested that those that have had training attend each other’s’ sessions for support and help.
- The committee might think about Open Access Week and Open Education Week activities as we go forward.
- Future Meetings:
- The task force members discussed its monthly meetings which will be held the third Tuesday from 1-2 pm. Except for Lorna, all members are able to attend a conference call on the Tuesday prior to Thanksgiving.
- The task force will meet in person on December 4 at the CARLI Office in Champaign. The meeting will be held in the CARLI Conference room. There is free parking. An in-person meeting typically will last from 10 am – 3 pm.
- Additional Training
- The task force discussed ideas for providing training prior to the April OTN sessions.
- Possible ideas include:
- How to start the conversation on campus
- Webinars – panel sharing experiences from different institutions
- Reporting on survey results
- What is in the box folder (i.e. slide deck)
- Timing: End of semester, beginning of Spring
- What training do you feel you are missing?
- Chris – Google Drive access for CARLI members? Not available right now.
- Volunteers (email Anne Shelley by Friday)
- Anne Shelley
- Chris
- Anne Chernaik
- Sharing information with CARLI Members
- CARLI Newsletter
- An idea for an article for the CARLI newsletter is “How to share/access materials from Google?” Elizabeth will work on getting an article into the CARLI newsletter on this topic.
- All task force members are asked to send a paragraph on a take away from the OTN or something relevant that you have learned about OER.
- The purpose is to introduce the task force and what we are doing for the membership.
- Paragraphs due by October 24, 2017 to Elizabeth Clarage.
- Open Access Week is October 23-29, 2017.
- Following a suggestion about engaging membership with OER by Teri Gallaway of the LOUIS consortium, Anne Craig sent a message to the task force about what might the group do for Open Access Week and Open Education week. With a short timeline to develop activities, the group will submit resources or tools to Elizabeth and Lorna by Friday and they will send an email to the membership on the task force’s bealf.
- Open Education Week: March 5-9, 2018
- The task force is asked to think about it for discussion at a later meeting.
- CARLI OER Website Development
- The task force was presented with potential headings for a website on OER resources. There were no comments on the potential headings
- A question posed to the group was the preferred format for the webpage. There were three options:
- A: A navigational bar on the left, that linked to separate pages on the subtopics
- B: No navigation, all topics listed on one page
- C: One page with all information that had blinds that could then be opened to expand to show all the information on the topic selected.
- All members preferred having a navigational bar on the left that allowed all the subtopics to appear.
- Next step is to determine resources the task force want within the site.
- CARLI will notify task force when the format is done and sections will be assigned to various members to populate.
- Due to website permissions, all edits will be done by Elizabeth and Lorna .
- OER Survey Update
- The draft results were sent via email today. Recent additions include page numbers and graph numbers.
- Let Elizabeth know if there are any edits and/or format changes.
- There is no analysis, just data.
Next Meetings
Join by phone:
+1 217 332 6338 (local Urbana-Champaign number)
+1 312 994 8410 (local Chicago number)
+1 888 983 3631 (toll-free)
Conference ID: 624827
Specific dates:
- November 21
- December 4 (CARLI Office, Champaign)
- December 19
- January 16
- February 20
- March 20
- April 17
- May 15
- June 19