Conference Call
Members attending: Annette Alvarado (Loyola University Chicago), Anne Chernaik (College of Lake County), Connie Ghinazzi (Augustana College), Kathy Ladell, co-chair (Northern Illinois University, Elizabeth Nelson (McHenry Community College), Anne Shelley, co-chair (Illinois State University), Sue Shultz (DePaul University), Linda Zellmer (Western Illinois University)
Member absent: Janet Swatscheno (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Anne Craig
Staff absent: Lorna Engels
- Anne Shelley volunteered to take minutes.
- August minutes approved with minor edits.
- Member Announcements
- WIU is forming a textbook affordability committee through faculty senate and not university administration.
- NIU is going to offer a faculty development workshop on affordable course materials.
- Connie at Augustana is doing an OTN workshop this week and going through data from Spring 2018 student surveys.
- CARLI Updates
- Anne Craig discussed the SCOER proposal that she sent via e-mail to task force members on 9/14. She is seeking support at UIUC for helping faculty create OER. She has spoken to faculty development office and office of undergraduate research. Anne wants CARLI to be in a position to apply for a future DOE grant – money that could go to libraries for staff, training, software, services to support creation of OER, and to faculty stipends to create OER. Right now this is informational, Anne is seeking affirmation from task force members.
- CARLI Counts: IMLS grant received for continuing education. CARLI library staff members will receive training on using data to create narratives as part of a 3-year project.
- OERTF charge has been updated and adopted by CARLI board.
- CARLI Annual Meeting
- There are sponsors for the first time.
- Elizabeth reminded the group that no one has volunteered yet to present at the Annual Meeting on behalf of the task force. See tasks assigned.
- Newsletter submission deadline is Monday at noon.
- Pressbooks demo is at 2 p.m. today. Elizabeth sent out announcement.
- OTN sent out a call for applications for certification in OER librarianship.
- College of DuPage and College of Lake County OER Summit was announced. Registration opens 9/19 at noon. The summit is meant for 2-year colleges but if spaces remain then other colleges can attend.
- Student Survey results
- Conversation about data from student surveys at DePaul and Augustana – did students comment about faculty who assign a book and don’t use it? Wondering how to approach department chairs with results. Discussion about faculty who use the same textbook for the same class, but one requires and one doesn’t. Another issue, faculty deliberately ask for older edition but the bookstore pressures to get newer edition. At another institution, the bookstore breaks even on textbooks and are glad to use older editions because they already have them in inventory.
- Open Textbooks Brochure
- Connie noticed a tri-fold booklet from Kirkwood Community College about OER that had an open license and sent to the task force to ask about creating CARLI version. It has been adapted and branded CARLI. Several TF members said it will be useful. Elizabeth C. suggested having two versions, PDF with CARLI branding and doc that allows institutions to brand for themselves.
- Open OER call – Oct. 16 at 1 p.m.
- TF members will each give quick introductions and what they can answer questions about. Elizabeth will send out an e-mail so TF members can say ahead of time what they are comfortable talking about.
- Open Access Week 2018
- Elizabeth C. suggested sending out an e-mail prompt to CARLI-OER on the Monday of OA Week. Connie mentioned Augustana just got a button maker and suggested creating buttons with OER-related image. DePaul has OA working group planning to promote faculty OA publications.
Tasks Assigned
- Task force members will review and update their assigned sections on the CARLI OER website by the end of September.
- Sue and Anne S. will share their CARLI Annual Meeting slides from last year and help prepare presentation for update.
- Elizabeth C. will revise the Open Textbooks brochure and send it out to the group.
- Elizabeth C. will send out an e-mail so TF members can say what they are comfortable talking about before the October open OER call.
- Anne S. will send a follow-up to her previous e-mail about Open Access Week.
Next Meetings
Connection Information:
+1 888 983 3631 (toll-free)
+1 312 994 8410 (local Chicago)
+1 217 332 6338 (local Urbana-Champaign)
- October 16, OER Open Conference Call, conference ID: 902372
- November 13, In-Person OER Task Force meeting, CARLI Office, conference ID: 51824599
- November 20, OERTF Conference Call, conference ID: 624827