Conference Call
Members attending: Annette Alvarado (Loyola University Chicago), Chris Diaz (Northwestern University), Kathy Ladell, interim co-chair (Northern Illinois University), Linda Zellmer (Western Illinois University)
Members absent: Anne Chernaik, interim co-chair (College of Lake County), Elizabeth Nelson (McHenry County College), Anne Shelley, chair (Illinois State University), Sue Shultz (DePaul University), Janet Swatscheno (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign),
Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage
Staff absent: Lorna Engels
- Linda Zellmer volunteered to take minutes.
- February minutes were approved with edits.
- Member Updates:
- Annette will be the official liaison with the faculty of the Loyola Continuing and Professional Studies Department as well as Arrupe College. She was contacted by someone at Marian University in Indianapolis who will be starting a program similar to Arrupe College and wanted to learn more about OER. She said that she could use links from her LibGuide. Linda suggested directing her to the CARLI OER website.
- Kathy is going to be doing a workshop for alternative textbook resources that will include an overview on the cost of textbooks and OERs and will make use of the Open Textbook Library titles in I-Share.
- Elizabeth explained that the number of books in the I-Share result set does not match the numbers of titles in the Open Textbook Library because some I-Share members with specialized collections have chosen to add the Open Textbook library books that are specific to their area of concentration.
- Linda Zellmer reminded everyone of the shortened URL that can be used to link to all of the OER textbooks in I-Share. The short URL is
- CARLI Update:
- Scholarly Communications Roadshow will be May 4th in Champaign at the I-Hotel. It is about 2/3 full. Afternoon session will include a deep dive into Open Education.
- New I-Share members’ holdings will be added into I-Share.
- OTN Workshops in April:
- Registration numbers - 95 registered for program and 35 registered for streaming.
- Current registration by location:
- Governors State 32
- Loyola 38
- Heartland 41
- CARLI OERTF members attending are:
- Kathy Ladell is attending at Loyola and Governors State.
- Elizabeth N. is attending at Heartland.
- Chris Diaz will not be able to attend.
- Elizabeth Clarage will be attending at all 3 locations.
- Anne Craig will be going to Heartland and Governors State.
- Lorna is going the GSU and Heartland sessions.
- Janet is registered for Heartland and Governors State.
- Anne Chernaik is able to attend Loyola or Governors State or both.
- Annette will be attending at Loyola.
- Elizabeth C. reported that she sent reminders about the OTN workshops to CARLI members that supported the OTN Membership including CODSULI and LIBRAS members as those organizations supported the CARLI OTN membership.
- She also sent messages to people registered for streaming to let them know that there was space available in the in-person workshops.
- CARLI / LOUIS Webinar:
- Reports from two conference call participants:
- Linda attended. Sound did not come through via VOIP, so she called in on her cell phone.
- Kathy attended and thought it was good to have people from different disciplines.
- Elizabeth reported that over 200 had registered and about 130-140 logged in.
- Book chapter (subgroup):
- The book chapter draft is due March 30.
- The tentative chapter is available on a Google Drive.
- Other:
- Annette asked about whether a librarian from American Islamic College in Chicago is registered for the OTN workshop. She is not currently. Annette will send her the registration information.
- The OER Week messages that were sent out through CARLI inspired people to join the CARLI OER e-mail list.
- Deadline for articles for the CARLI newsletter is Friday March 23. Elizabeth will add information about the Open Education Week faculty webinar recording, the OER e-mail list and the April OTN workshops.
Next Meeting Dates
Task Force Conference Calls:
OTN Workshops:
- April 23: Governors State University
- April 24: Loyola University Chicago
- April 26: Heartland Community College