Zoom / Conference Call
Members Attending: Annette Alvarado (Loyola University Chicago), Anne Chernaik (College of Lake County), Daniel Matthews (Moraine Valley Community College), Michelle Oh (Northeastern Illinois University), Anne Shelley (Illinois State University), Susan Shultz, co-chair (DePaul University), Chris Sweet (Illinois Wesleyan University)
Members Absent: Elizabeth Nelson (McHenry County College), Janet Marie Swatscheno, co-chair (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Staff Attending: Anne Craig, Elizabeth Clarage, Nicole Swanson
Board Liaisons Attending: Karen Janke (Erikson Institute), Jacob Jeremiah (Oakton Community College)
Tasks Assigned
- Michelle Oh will take notes.
- Sue volunteered to help with the subgrant process if CARLI is awarded an Open Textbook Pilot grant. Other committee members should let CARLI know if they are able to help with this project.
- Dan Matthews will update the form for the OER Commons Hub: Open Illinois materials submissions with English language code.
- CARLI OER Course: Understanding and Promoting Open Educational Resources
- Chris volunteered to help with assessment of the OER Course.
- Elizabeth/Nicole will identify dates for the informal follow-up meetings with the OER Course participants.
- Elizabeth/Nicole will send out proposed dates/times to possible presenters for spring.
- Committee members should decide by early February if they will add their institution to the CARLI OER Hub.
- Committee members will review the content available on LibreTexts to decide if it should request members to vote for this Idea on the ExLibris Idea Exchange for implementation in Primo.
- November minutes were approved.
- Committee decided to hold two informal follow-up meetings with the OER Course participants, one in late January or early February and one the third week of April.
- Committee decided to offer the CARLI OER Course in February and May.
- Committee will continue the LibreText Idea Exchange discussion in January.
- CARLI’s application for the Department of Education Open Textbook Pilot Grant:
- Notifications on the grant will be shared on December 31. CARLI staff will likely be aware on January 4 after the reopening of offices after the break.
- If funded, there will be a tight turn around for call for subgrants. We ask committee members to volunteer now to help with this if the grant is funded.
- Anyone interested in participating in helping with the subgrants process can reach out to Elizabeth or Nicole.
- OEN Certificate in OER Librarianship: CARLI support for members
- 8 Illinois librarians were accepted, and CARLI is willing to fund all those who were accepted for the program.
- CARLI OER Commons Hub
- Beta launch will be in January with a full launch planned for March. Beta would be live, but not linked and the hub will be named Open Illinois.
- A draft form to add materials for the launch of the Open Illinois Hub is available here: https://forms.gle/u3dgdqU4YWJmopSi7
- Dan will add the English to the Language of Work (CR_LANGUAGE) OERC uses the ISO 639-1 two letter alphabet (alpha 2) code for languages.
- The form will be kept to a single page.
- Examples of Hubs on OER Common are available here https://www.oercommons.org/hubs/
- Committee members help is needed to collect OER resources from their institutions and complete the accompanying metadata needs to fill out the hub for Open Illinois’ content.
- All formats of materials can be included (e.g., videos, textbooks, labs, etc.)
- If anyone is willing to add their own institution on the hub, please let Elizabeth, Dan, Anne Chernaik, and Nicole know. Anytime through the first week of February as this will allow time for the implementation before the go-live date.
- Questions can also go to Elizabeth, Dan, Anne Chernaik, and Nicole.
- Continuing Education: CARLI Virtual Course: Understanding and Promoting Open Educational Resources
- December courses: early thoughts from the facilitators (Anne S., Dan, Annette and Chris)
- Chris shared that the experience as a presenter was a manageable workload, due to CARLI staff preparation and slide deck, and noted he would be willing to present again.
- Multiple presenters acknowledged CARLI staff Elizabeth and Nicole who made the process much easier, big thanks to them!
- The pair of instructors that were presenting, met during the week of their presentation, so no one was presenting materials they were not comfortable or familiar with.
- Presenters commented that interaction and participation from the attendees was good. Just about everyone was chiming in, lots of engagement.
- First session wrapped up early, but next two sessions went right up to the time limit.
- Should we hold an open call for attendees as a follow up as they develop local program?
- The call would be an informal meeting for attendees from July, September, and December sessions to come to share ideas and ask questions, as many individuals that attended might be the only person working on OER initiatives at their institutions.
- The call would be a good way to help create an OER community within CARLI, which would be a casual place to talk about what is happening.
- Perhaps for alumni of these sessions could take place annually or more frequently. For future sessions, it doesn’t have to just be alumni. Anyone interested who wants to hear what others are working on with respect to OER will be welcome.
- Elizabeth will send out possible dates for this meeting. The group decided to schedule two sessions.
- One in late January/early February to share ideas prior to Open Education week planning or to precede textbook adoption dates for fall semesters, working on initiatives.
- One for April more focused on reporting on what everyone is working on.
- Feedback forms will be sent to the December group attendees.
- Chris is willing to help work on some of the assessment.
- The Committee proposed two more sessions for Spring.
- Early spring: Sue (for later February), Chris, Dan, Michelle are willing to be presenters
- Later Spring: Anne S., Anne., and Annette are willing to be presenters
- Elizabeth will send out some dates, please let her know if you are interested or willing in leading any of these trainings.
- A suggestion was made that those who complete the OER certificate in librarianship might be ideal to teach these workshops in the future. Presenters noted that presenting these materials was helpful personally. This could be part of the commitment from receiving CARLI funding, which is stipulated as part of the program.
- Online Faculty OER Workshop Update
- The workshop will be for faculty in February, date to be decided.
- Annette and Dan, Elizabeth, and Nicole will be presenting. If anyone is willing to share the content they’ve created for their own campuses, please share with Dan and Annette.
- ExLibris Idea Exchange: adding LibreText content to the Central Discovery Index (CDI)
Next Meeting
The OER Committee will meet on January 21, 2021 from 1-2pm.