Zoom / Conference Call
Members Attending: Annette Alvarado (Loyola University Chicago), Anne Chernaik (College of Lake County), Daniel Matthews (Moraine Valley Community College), Elizabeth Nelson (McHenry County College), Michelle Oh (Northeastern Illinois University), Anne Shelley (Illinois State University), Susan Shultz, co-chair (DePaul University), Janet Marie Swatscheno, co-chair (University of Illinois at Chicago), Chris Sweet (Illinois Wesleyan University)
Staff Attending: Anne Craig, Elizabeth Clarage, Nicole Swanson
Board Liaisons attending: Jacob Jeremiah (Oakton Community College)
Tasks Assigned
- Anne Chernaik will take minutes.
- The committee agreed that they would aid CARLI as part of team to develop the mini grant process for the U.S. Department of Education Open Textbook Pilot Grant including the rubric for application with application process to begin in March 2021. Interested committee members should email Elizabeth.
- All members will review the evaluations of the OER Virtual Course for discussion at the November meeting.
- Anne Chernaik and Daniel Matthews volunteered to help CARLI staff develop and organize CARLI’s OER Commons Hub.
- Sue Shultz and Janet Swatscheno will draft the committee’s response for the CARLI Board’s Committee Review. The initial report is due for CARLI Board of Director’s Review on December 1, 2020.
- CARLI Annual Meeting Showcase: Sue Shultz and Janet Swatscheno will create a presentation to highlight the work of the OER Task Force in FY20.
- All committee members should send institutional OER updates via the committee email list.
- Elizabeth will send a draft proposal for the CARLI Program Planning Committee to support five librarians at the OEN Certificate in OER Librarianship program. All members should review and let know if there are edits needed and if they approve of the draft.
- September minutes were approved.
- CARLI Announcements:
- CARLI’s application for the U.S. Department of Education Open Textbook Pilot Grant includes:
- Request for the 2 million dollar, 3 year award for creation of open textbooks
- CARLI members apply for subgrants
- CARLI would hire a project director
- Still haven’t selected focus – analyzing data received from members about high enrollment, high cost textbook courses
- Currently looking at introductory Health Courses (freshman and sophomore)
- Department of Education is looking for proposals with consortial partners. CARLI has received letters of support from the Illinois Library Association, the Illinois State Library, the Health Science Librarians of Illinois, the Illinois Board of Higher Education, and the Illinois Community College Board.
- CARLI is exploring if the Illinois Articulation Initiative which is how classes transfer from community colleges to four-year programs, may be a program as a starting point.
- Need help: questions from CARLI
- What authoring tool to use (Open Author, Pressbooks, etc.): Discussion – Open Author accessible and including more accessibility tools soon. CARLI’s proposal will Include 3D printing as part of creating learning objects.
- Mini grant ideas – requirements, look at Iowa State model, members need to have a team/workgroup (librarian, content expert, instructional designer)
- Do institutions have instructional designers? Variable depending on institution but even if there is one or more, their availability is limited.
- Should the instructional designer be within the consortia instead?
- Re-granting process: Is it feasible to have such a team? CARLI’s proposal will Include 3D printing as part of creating learning objects. What about 3D printing training? Access to 3D printers in or outside library. Look beyond how to 3D but instead focus on how to develop and incorporate a resource within the course. Have someone through CARLI to teach pedagogy. Think 3D printer objects would set us apart.
- Could we pull together work groups? Lay out responsibilities clearly, distribution of grand fund should indicate work levels, money go to faculty member(s) providing content, OpenRN paying faculty $40 an hour, should there be a cap? How does per hour work? Look at stipend model that faculty may be more used to. Discussion on how OpenRN is working that might inform our process (content creation, grant staff, etc., 5 textbooks), provide a cap that people can ask for, include justification for the amount requested.
- Identify existing OER used to supplement what they are writing, but writing from scratch.
- Grant has requirements for ancillaries and personalized learning.
- Committee: please let Anne know if are you willing to be part of putting together the subgrant application process.
- Timeline for grant: If funded would start January 1, 2021.
- Need for copy-editor, proofreader, instructional designer at consortial level.
- Institutional level – librarians and content creators.
- What is purpose of 3D printing? Anything specific? Can also do virtual reality. Is requiring students to learn how to program 3D programming a barrier to students?
- The virtual faculty workshops planning is ongoing.
- Evaluation Information from September OER Virtual Course will be discussed at our next meeting.
- CARLI requested help from the committee to organize CARLI's OER Commons Hub.
- Two volunteers needed to shape what our hub will look like.
- 6-8 weeks of work to design the look and feel of it.
- Anne Chernaik and Daniel Matthew volunteered.
- CARLI Board's Committee Review
- Susan and Janet will draft the committee’s response.
- 2020-2021 CARLI Committee Review Project Timeline:
- Chairs Meeting to Review Committees’ Project: October/November
- Initial Report Due for CARLI Board of Directors Review: December 1, 2020
- Final Plan Presented for Approval, March 2021 CARLI Board Meeting: March 1, 2021
- CARLI Annual Meeting Showcase
- CARLI has asked if committee’s would like to record an update of 2019-2020 activities that will be shared during the virtual CARLI Annual Meeting in November.
- It is requested to be no longer than 5-minutes on what we are doing and sell us. Susan and Janet will create.
- Elizabeth sent out a document regarding funding 5 OEN OER certification participants and had people respond by the end of the day.
- Please send any updates via email.
Next Meeting and Deadlines
The next committee meeting is November 19, 2020 at 1-2pm.
2020-2021 CARLI Committee Review Project Timeline:
- Chairs Meeting to Review Committees’ Project: October/November
- Initial Report Due for CARLI Board of Directors Review: December 1, 2020
- Final Plan Presented for Approval, March 2021 CARLI Board Meeting: March 1, 2021