Members attending: Alex Deeke, Heather Koopmans, Abigail Mann, Claire Reinert, Firouzeh Rismiller, Zohra Saulat, Stacey Shah, Rebecca Starkey
Members absent:
Staff attending: Denise Green, Debbie Campbell
- Popcorn - What did you do over break?
- CARLI News and Updates - Debbie Campbell
- Check the CARLI calendar for events
- CARLI Counts cohort 5 is about to start. Program starts in Spring.
Recap of December Meeting
- Instruction Showcase: June 18, 2024
- Decided to have three tracks/formats
- New Directions as Tech It Out
- Focus on examples of AI use in library instruction
- New Users as Lesson Plans
- Focus on lesson plans for new user populations
- New Collaborations as Case Studies
- Incorporate lightning talk/rounds aspects to some or all of the tracks
- Hope to add a keynote speaker
- Save the date was sent January 9th/ Call for proposals after LOEX decisions are made
- Next steps for the Showcase:
- Discuss incorporation of lightning talks and workshop time during showcase for call for proposals
- Discuss the keynote speaker
- Finalized call for proposal language
- Local Get Togethers
- Poll will be sent out to gauge interes
January Event Check-In
- Event 1/31 at 1pm. Current registration is 52 (1/25)
- Script is ready to go. Final reminder went out already or going out this week.
CARLI Showcase
- The committee discussed the possibility of a keynote speaker for the event.
- Debbie shared details about reimbursement should we get an outside speaker for the showcase. Using someone inside CARLI has benefits, as it highlights consortial community.
- The committee discussed whether we allow presenters to submit options for what types of programs they want to do. Committee decided to try allowing presenters to select all the types of programs they could do.
- Members joined breakout groups to work on the language for call for proposals
- The date for the call for proposals was set as January 29th to allow for promotion at the January event.
- The call for papers will be posted to the website for the Showcase.
CARLI Instruction Committee Local Meetings
- The group reviewed which member institutions could host and discussed whether a poll should be sent out to members about possible locations for local meetings. The committee decided to select locations as a pilot and not survey.
- Local meeting discussions would need to be moderated by the committee member at the host institution or someone from another nearby institution. Questions for discussion will be sent in advance to registrants. CARLI will handle registration and order catering.
- We discussed different models for meetings (two locations, same topic, different months). In-person CARLI events have not been held for several years. Debbie provided examples of meeting planning by other CARLI committees.
- Committee would start with a meeting in April at Elgin Community College.
- Action Items
- Committee members should consider possible keynote speakers for the showcase based on one of the four topics of the showcase.
- The Showcase call for proposals will be shared at the January event.
- Alex, Denise, Debbie and Stacy will discuss the local meeting at Elgin Community College for planning at February meeting
- The group will Identify another location to host a local meeting in summer, using the list of institutions by committee members
- At next meeting, finalize topic/questions for local meeting,craft program description, plan announcement, and registration schedule
- CARLI needs 60 days lead time for vendors for food etc.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines
- Next Committee Meeting: February 22, 2024 at 1pm.