Members attending: Alex Deeke, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Guillermo Gasca, Morton College; Heather Koopmans, Illinois State University; Abigail Mann, Illinois Wesleyan University; Alex O'Keefe, School of the Art Institute of Chicago; Claire Reinert, McKendree University (late); Rebecca Starkey, University of Chicago
Members absent: Joanna Kolendo, Chicago State University; Firouzeh Rismiller, DePaul University
Staff attending: Denise Green, Debbie Campbell
Guests: no guests
- CARLI May calendar
- Public Services online discussion
- 3 new I-Share libraries going live in June including UIC Law Library (within UIC)
- Thank you to Denise, Debbie, Alex O., and Alex D. for all their work on the Project Information Literacy event.
- Yay for teamwork!
Instruction Showcase Planning
- The Instruction Committee accepted 4 proposals for the showcase.
- Deadline for presenters to accept is April 28th
- Dual-credit and Shared Learning Objective presenters will be asked to lengthen presentations by 5 minutes and make changes to reflect the major theme of Re-examining.
- A draft schedule has been started
- Start time for Showcase will be 1:30pm (depending on acceptance by presenters)
- Tentative time for Showcase to be 1:30pm-4pm
- Showcase will be broken down into 3 sessions along with a brief intro by Alex O
- Tech It Out Session
- Lesson Plan Session
- Social Session
- Moderators are:
- Tech It Out Session: Rebecca
- Lesson Plan session: Abby
- Social session: Heather
- The meeting was adjourned at 4:23pm.
Tasks assigned
- Alex O and Heather will work with Debbie to send out acceptance letters
- Moderators for showcase will be: Rebecca, Abby, and Heather
Meeting Dates and Deadlines:
Next Meeting: Tuesday, May 16,
2:00pm-4:00pm| Zoom| Minute taker: Abby