Members attending: Alex Deeke, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Guillermo Gasca, Morton College; Heather Koopmans, Illinois State University; Joanna Kolendo, Chicago State University; Abigail Mann, Illinois Wesleyan University; Alex O'Keefe, School of the Art Institute of Chicago; Claire Reinert, McKendree University; Rebecca Starkey, University of Chicago
Members absent: Firouzeh Rismiller, DePaul University
Staff attending: Denise Green, Debbie Campbell
Guests: None
CARLI Updates
- Call for committee volunteers will go out soon. OER committee has several events coming up. Adding new I-Share libraries.
Regarding April chat even with UIUC:
- Unanimously decided to collaborate with UIUC chat event with Dr. Alison Head (see Proposal email PDF), instead of asking her to be a keynote speaker for the Instruction Showcase. Date not confirmed, but sometime in April. (the committees stated ideal dates are 4/12, 4/13, 4/14, 4/26 & 4/27. Someone will compare dates with Alison).
Regarding the the annual CARLI instruction showcase:
- Decided to revisit the approach to the kitchen asynch category, since we didn’t get many submissions last year (make it clearer that all digital learning objects are welcome)
- Do more of a lightning talk/poster presentation format, where you present the artifact is demonstrated and discussed live with no “homework” to review ahead of time
- Everyone presents individually for 5 minutes with a whole group Q&A at the end (Googe doc where people add questions throughout the day/sessions)
- We tentatively decided to have “chat room” breakout rooms available during breaks for people to chat with colleagues
Regarding other events:
- The committee decided to use the “Failures and flops” workshop for a future (possibly May) event, rather than as a part of the Showcase
- The meeting was adjourned at 4:00
Tasks Assigned
- Draft call for presenters and event description for the Instruction Showcase.
- Revisit wording of kitchen asynch category (see above)
- Send Doodle poll to figure out new April meeting date.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines:
- Showcase CFP goes out Feb 28th, soft submission deadline set to March 31 (hard deadline April 7)
- Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 on Zoom
- Schedule of Instruction Committee Meetings:
- March 21
- April 18
- May 16
- June 20