Members attending: Alex Deeke, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Guillermo Gasca, Morton College; Heather Koopmans, Illinois State University; Joanna Kolendo, Chicago State University; Abigail Mann, Illinois Wesleyan University; Alex O'Keefe, School of the Art Institute of Chicago; Claire Reinert, McKendree University; Firouzeh Rismiller, DePaul University; Rebecca Starkey, University of Chicago
Members absent: None
Staff attending: Denise Green, Debbie Campbell
Guests: None
- There are a number of events on the CARLI calendar, particularly from PDA. Other groups will be adding events and trainings soon
- The committee decided the following regarding the January event Re-examining Instruction Practice: New Year’s Instructional Resolutions:
- Send a reminder email on Monday, January 23 of the event and include the discussion questions
- Use four break out rooms if there are more than 20 participants with each moderator hosting a room. Denise or Debbie will remain in the main room to help participants and to close the rooms at a specific time.
- Heather will prep the script and Google Doc for moderator notes by Friday, January 20 and the rest of moderators will review/edit by Thursday, January 26.
- Finalized the four discussion questions.
- The committee decided the following regarding the the annual CARLI instruction showcase:
- It will be held virtually on June 1.
- Alex O’Keefe created a planning document and the committee will add ideas to the document by the February meeting.
- Proposals will be due by April 7 which provides enough time for a one week extension and time for the committee to review proposals by our April meeting.
- Decided to keep the “Lesson Plan Presentations,” “Tech It Out Presentations,” and “Kitchen Asynch” as presentation types. Lightning rounds were encouraged, especially to encourage iSchool grad students and those new to the profession to present and attend.
- A workshop where participants submit a notable failure and think tank it with colleagues during the workshop.
- Encourage Ischool students to present and/or attend, particularly by sharing the call for proposals to iSchools (UIUC, DOM, and CSU).
- The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 pm.
Tasks Assigned
- Everyone add items to the Showcase Event planning document, particularly around subtopic refinement, session types, and potential keynote speakers
- Denise or Debbie will send a reminder email about the January event, including the discussion questions.
- Heather will prep the script and Google Doc for moderator notes by Friday, January 20 and the rest of moderators will review/edit by Thursday, January 26.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines:
- Next Meeting: Tuesday, February 21, 2023 on Zoom
- Schedule of Instruction Committee Meetings:
- March 21
- April 18
- May 16
- June 20