I-Share Next Task Force Meeting
Date: March 18, 2015
Location: CARLI Office, Champaign
Members attending: Pat Boze (Illinois State Library), Anita Foster (Illinois State University), Cindy Fuller (Millikin University), Tom Goetz (Harper College), Kristine Hammerstrand (CARLI), Tammy Kuhn-Schnell (Lincoln Land Community College), Tami Luedtke (DePaul University), Michael Norman (University of Illinois Urbana Champaign), Ted Schwitzner (CARLI), Matthew Short (Northern Illinois University), Susan Singleton (CARLI), Suzanne Wilson (Illinois Wesleyan University)
Members absent: Connie Walsh (CARLI)
Staff attending: None
Guests: none.
Meeting Overview:
The principle focus for this meeting remained on the “working” task areas, specifically on Knowledge Bases and Link Resolving. Task Force members concentrated on clarifying the definitions for both knowledge bases and link resolvers and the roles for each element in the RFP. The TF decided that specific functionality pertaining to how knowledge bases get used will be engrossed into other "working chapters, e.g., "activating" goes in to Selecting, "ILL" into Sharing, etc. Additionally,
The TF discussed ideas for how the teams could organize and communicate their work. Members agreed to continue using the document sharing and editing functions within Basecamp. Ted will assist team leaders with conference call setup using either Lync or Adobe Connect.
The Task Force began work on the “Innovating” section of the RFP by identifying a general statement of principles for future development of the system. TF members drafted specifications for Innovating elements such as “upgrade process,” “enhancement process,” and “application program interfaces.”
Tasks assigned:
Continuing tasks:
Meeting Dates and Deadlines: