Kirk Hess (UIU), Colin Koteles (COD), James LeFager (DPU), Edith List (PRC), TJ Lusher (NIU), Rong Li (ISU), Heather Parisi (DOM), Karl Pettitt (NIU)
April Levy (COL)
Kris Hammerstrand, Cathy Salika, Ted Schwitzner, Paige Weston
This is Cathy’s last meeting with I-Share Systems Committee as she’s retiring at the end of February. Kristine will join future meetings as primary CARLI liaison. Committee congratulated Cathy on her retirement and thanked her for her years of service.
CARLI just finished the project of getting 4 new libraries (COD, JKM, LNC, MMC) up on I-Share.
Field testing for voyager version 9 is finished.
Minor adjustments on VuFind - display of bib note field.
CARLI will add a new form to WRO to collect IP addresses for authentications on internal and external services.
Ex Libris will push out their new release in second half of March (customer portal v8, v9). CARLI's decision as to when to implement the upgrade (Version 9) will be made on April 1st.
Voyager will be read-only during upgrade, which might cause difficulties for staff working on fiscal year closing or last-minute purchasing in summer. Previously the upgrades are usually done during late June or July so that there’s time to address performance issues before August. CARLI wants to talk to members to learn how best to ease the transition.
It’s emphasized that the upgrade will not solve any specific problem in WebVoyage Classic since Ex-Libris is no longer developing it. While Ex Libris provides release notes for Voyager Version 8 and 9 and more information in their customer portal, CARLI is going to compile a concise list to clarify the differences between different Voyager versions.
CARLI Board allocated some money towards a pilot project for E-book PDA for consortium. An RFP was sent out last year, EBL (now ProQuest) was successful bidder. The final list of participating publishers is coming. Similar to print book PDA program, records will be loaded to I–Share union catalog, when certain condition is met, the purchase will be triggered and the book will be owned by consortium (available to all member libraries). Individual libraries can adjust their own local PDA profile when publisher list is finalized. ProQuest will also work with individual libraries directly about authentication process.
Within next month or two, this program will start to go live.
Q3: OAI an option? This could be a multiple options question too.
Some other interactions between Voyager and Discovery Layer: Display of real time item status, how requesting works, whether UC displays
Clarifications: this section is for information on purchases and how to pay bills; Billing system section is for fines, fees, etc.
Suggestions: also includes billing to other libraries.
Each survey will be sent out individually with introductory verbiage in email. I-Share liaisons can be the contact person and farm out to the correct resource person in the building to answer the survey. Results will be used in whitepaper and future committee work planning. It’s also suggested to test run the survey to help refine wording and avoid confusions.
Kirk walked through his suggestions.
There’s concern about certain terms (such as “Book jobber”) that might not be understood by everyone, it will probably make more sense by adding examples to explain what that term refers to.
Committee recommended running this survey through SFX committee and asking for feedback from non-SFX users.
This function may be done by course management software rather than Library management system, so this survey could also look into future trends.
Q3, 5 and 6: committee had questions about the use of Callslip since it’s not typically part of ILL. The survey would focus on the interactions between I-Share and other system.
Q14: we could use I-share statistics directly and it is easy to get; we could revise it to questions for external statistics (ILLIAD , etc.) or workflow question
Rong asked for clarifications on what information we are looking for in this survey.
An example Paige suggested is PDA project, what do we know about library authentication practices and how they relate to voyager authentication system as to how to use patron data to authenticate patrons. Ted also suggested to look into what data (patron data in Voyager or in campus system) do we want to use to authenticate patrons and use what methods.
Single sign-on has always been the optimum goal here.
• Separate questions for different type of digital collections.
• Clarify scope of general questions for systems that need to interact with I-Share.
considering the work we need to do with the survey and upcoming Voyager upgrade, we may only want to complete the pilot this year, and then run a full survey next year. Deadline for finishing up survey - Late April /early May.
Committee will continue working on sections after the meeting.