I-Share Systems Committee Minutes, August 30, 2013

Location: CARLI Office, Training Room, Champaign, Illinois

Members attending: Colin Koteles (COD), TJ Lusher (NIU), Heather Parisi (DOM), Kirk Hess (UIU), James LeFager (DPU), Edith List (PRC), Karl Pettitt (NIU)

Members absent: April Levy (COL), Rong Li (ISU)

Staff attending: Cathy Salika, Paige Weston, Susan Singleton, Brandon Gant, Ted Schwitzner


  • Committee leadership elections: TJ Lusher, chairperson; James LeFager, chair-elect.
  • Minutes duties will rotate alphabetically by last name. Minute taker names will be listed with the future meeting dates.
  • Meeting formats: Members will appreciate an online conference and document sharing environment, such as Adobe Connect or Skype. In person meetings may be scheduled as needed.
  • Meeting schedule: Committee will meet once a month, with the 3rd Monday of each month as the desired dates; First choice in meeting time: 11:00-12:30; second choice: or 2:30-4:00. TJ Lusher will contact the absent members about the meeting schedule.
  • The meeting was adjourned at 2:45 p.m.


  • HathiTrust Research Center is holding an Uncamp on the UIUC campus, September 8-9.
  • NIU is holding a “legacy lifecycle conference” in October 22-25. The conference will focus on issues of open access, digital preservation, data management, copyright and open access, and judging the quality of open access journals. The conference came about as a result of Illinois Senator Biss’s “Open Access to Research Articles Act” (SB1900).
  • Susan Singleton greeted the Committee and provided background on the new committee structure and the goals for each committee
  • Brandon Gant provided an overview of CARLI’s server environment and the effects of the migration to a virtual server environment, and a Linux platform for Voyager.
  • Brandon Gant and Susan Singleton provided an update on the state of the eXtensible Catalog (XC), including CARLI’s new responsibilities as the project lead.
  • Paige Weston reported on the implementation of new functionality in VuFind
  • Cathy Salika reported on the progress of implementing six new I-Share Libraries
  • Cathy Salika provided an update on the consortial print PDA project.
  • Ted Schwitzner provided an update regarding CARLI’s plans for a Voyager upgrade in Summer 2014.

Tasks assigned:

  •  TJ will contact the absent members about the meeting schedule.


  •  Discussion of possible priorities for the year, including ideas that may lead to programs or to research for the white paper.
    •  Collaboration with Tech Services on RDA? Tech Services thinking about what local decisions could be outlined or simplified.
    • Work on what aggregation in VuFind/XC would look like?
    • Documentation on labels in VuFind? Usability study? Could we do small usability testing to get high value for low effort? CrazyEgg, Piwik, and GoogleAnalytics can test for little things.
    • Reports forum? HathiTrust Research Center, looking at language of records, what could be wrong in older records and how can data be automatically changed.  What kinds of large scale enhancements could we do? Could maybe survey members on what they want to see? Try to connect with search analytics, perhaps a user survey on how they do it.
    • PDA stuff, extension to journal/article purchasing based on usage profiles? GetItNow from CCC as an SFX target. Extend to non-traditional materials accessed through the catalog: ebooks, digital objects, articles, IR content
    • Recommend workflows for reducing obvious duplicate records. How does a record, or a holding, get to I-Share catalog. Could we be more directive in how to go about doing things? Best practices on aggregation, deduplication, frbrization.
    • More active monitoring and updating on XC progress. Could committee provide regular updates? Maybe committee could begin talking about authentication, aggregation, Drupal pieces, what are the concerns, how will this fit in.
    • How does committee work with constituents? How to get information from libraries, from patrons?
    • Address issues with institutions about authentication and directions on campus for IT reorganization? Possible survey, how to work with LMS, etc. If there’s something to actually do with the data.
    • Certain types of tools and systems that committee should be watching. How does ContentDM integrate with Voyager? ERMS interaction?
    • Talk with groups in other consortia that are similar.

Meeting Dates and Deadlines:

  • Next Meeting: Monday, September 16, 2013, Online/conference call (minutes: Kirk Hess)
  • Schedule of I-Share Systems Committee Meetings (3rd Mondays):
    • Monday, September 16, 2013, Online/conference call (minutes: Kirk Hess)
    • Monday, October 21, 2013, Online/conference call (minutes: Colin Koteles)
    • Monday, November 18, 2013, Online/conference call (minutes: James LeFager)
    • Monday, December 16, 2013, Online/conference call (minutes: April Levy)
    • Monday, February 17, 2014, Online/conference call (minutes: Rong Li)
    • Monday, March 17, 2014, Online/conference call (minutes: Edith List)
    • Monday, April 21, 2013, Online/conference call (minutes: Heather Parisi)
    • Monday, May 19, 2013, Online/conference call (minutes: Karl Pettitt)
    • Monday, June 16, 2013, Online/conference call (minutes: Kirk Hess)