Members Present: Paul Blobaum (Governors State University); Cheri Cameron (Parkland College); Stephanie Davis-Kahl (Illinois Wesleyan University); John Dorr, chair (Northwestern University); Jonathan Nabe (Southern Illinois University Carbondale); Kyle Rimkus (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Alexis Rogers (Lincoln Land Community College); Laurie Sauer (Knox College)
Member Absent: Ken Orenic, College of DuPage
CARLI Staff Present: Elizabeth Clarage, Amy Maroso
Review previous meetings minutes
- All took a few minutes to review. John commented on item 7 on page five, which is blank in the minutes. He recalls that we discussed removing that item from the task list and from the March report, and suggested adding something to say that “we are awaiting the results of the board decision.” Will be added to minutes.
- ACTION: Kyle will contact Ken Orenic for review and approval of minutes.
Update on Survey
- There have been 52 responses to date
- The survey is open until 5pm, Friday, February 2.
- Group was invited to share initial thoughts.
- Jonathan noted that only 6 institutions (about 13%) answered no to question 15, the CARLI cost sharing question.
- Kyle was surprised at the variety of content responders needed to house (Q13) He’d expected scholarly publishing to be the traditional and highest response, but instead archival content and student generated content were the highest numbers.
- Re: Q13, John noted that there was a lot of audiovisual content, too. Responses are higher than he’d expected.
- John (?) wondered who the 6 institutions were who would not be interested in joining a consortial IR. (Survey Monkey administrators have more access) Elizabeth reported that College of Lake County, Benedictine, ITT Tech, Illinois Wesleyan, Northwestern, Pritzker Military. John confirmed that Northwestern had answered no.
- ACTION: There was a discussion about how to access the data. Elizabeth/Amy will collect data (spreadsheet) and add to Google drive after February 2 so that all in group can have access to data.
- John suggested assigning a group to assess the data and form some preliminary questions prior to the February 14 meeting and asked Elizabeth and Amy if, as administrators they could pull out data from the survey as needed. They agreed.
- John asked if there was a way to cross reference those who have not responded with the CARLI IRs document and asked if there would be any follow up to try to get more responses. Amy indicated that CARLI sends another call to directors on Monday (1/29). Concern was expressed regarding whether the survey was getting to the right person through directors.
- John asked if everyone in the group had responded. Kyle indicated that Illinois still hadn’t.
- John asked if there were any more comments. There were none.
Updates on other work assignments
- Before reviewing past work assignments, there was a discussion about bringing a small group together for review and summary of the final survey results prior to the February 14 meeting.
- ACTION: John and Laurie will set up a time for February 5th. If anyone else wants to join, CARLI can set up a conference call.
- ACTION: Elizabeth or Amy will post final data in Google drive so all in group can have access.
- Environmental scan – (no update)
- Available software platforms or services
- A spreadsheet is available, doc is IR Software, at
- This is in progress. So far, platforms that were mentioned in the CARLI IR scan document are on the list, but there are more to consider. Data collected will product names, URL, hosting option and provider, and availability of features that were outlined in the survey.
- John and Jonathan had volunteered to manage this spreadsheet. If there are other questions, or things you’d like us to add let them know..
- Migration issues – No update at this time. (Kyle and Paul)
- Feasibility and structure of consortial IR
- John has a call scheduled for next week with people from the Texas Digital Library. He plans to ask about what works, what doesn’t, but asked group if they had any more questions to ask of Texas, for example, cost.
- Kyle suggested asking about staffing, how many institutions use the statewide service, how they’re staffed to handle it, in order to see if it’s comparable to what we can offer if we end up providing consortial services.
- John hopes that this will lead to contacts with other administrators of consortial IRS. He mentioned Big10s geoportals as a potential contact.
- ACTION: Kyle will talk with James Whitaker from U of I who is involved with that, to get some information.
Plan for working meeting on February 14
- Meeting will be held at Parkland College. Room D116. Maps and directions:
- For the meeting, preliminary agenda:
- Discuss the survey
- Bring in any work that has been completed in other items of the charge
- Assign tasks for bringing the documents together
- Elizabeth reminded that the CARLI Board meeting is March 9, and suggested report should be submitted no later than March 2.
- John asked if there is a preferred format for reports. Elizabeth replied no.
- ACTION: Amy asks for all to check in if you are definitely planning on attending, weather permitting, and to please get lunch orders in by Friday.
John closed the call at 10:39 am.