I-Share Resource Sharing Team Meeting: October 4, 2012

Present: Debbie Campbell, Howard Carter, Lorna Engels, Jennifer Funk, Sandra Harris, Sarah McHone-Chase, Amanda Musacchio, Matt Ostercamp, Amanda Pippitt, Janelle Sander

Not present: Kathy Willis


Approval of previous minutes


CARLI Report

  • New libraries – met 1 time & did basic data review training
    • in 2 weeks, they’ll come to do System Admin Training (Oct. 17th)
    • Cataloging & Circulation Training coming up
    • Richland Community College, Southeastern Illinois Community College, Southwestern Illinois Community College, and Morton College are the new libraries to I-Share
  • Two new CARLI employees started this week. Debbie Campbell – was on Resource Sharing Team before, so is familiar with its role
  • Annual Meeting is on November 9th

IUG Report – Lorna Reports because Howard not @ meeting

  • Talked about charge for restructure; working on revising
  • Acquisitions/Serials working on a webinar in late November
    • Talking about open houses in the Spring
  • ICAT – Going to do an in-person meeting to talk about RDA, will probably do a general webinar about RDA in I-Share
  • Instruction – will do an unconference in January
  • OPAC – VuFind enhancements
  • Liaisons forum – for I-Share liaisons – its been a long time since they’ve met together in person, so they’re planning to at the Illini Center in Chicago the week of March 18

Restructuring of Team

  • Comments:
    • Its not changing a lot, but in some ways it is
    • Like emphasis on collaboration
    • Gets Resource Sharing across ILS platforms – consortial resources that are shareable
    • 1st paragraph – shorter description, concise, makes it less specific & more flexible
  • Changes to the description need to be made by October 16th (Can confirm at next meeting, which is the last meeting before the forum)

Old Business

  • Fall Forum on October 19th
    • Not getting a rousing response from people
    • Only 20 people + 6 CARLI staff/team members registered
    • Discussion about canceling meeting and doing a webinar instead
    • Highest interest topics from the survey are: (1)  Interlibrary relations & fines/realistic  expectations for lost/damaged books (2) Interlibrary Loaning Electronic Resources (3) Training and Customer Service for student workers
    • Decided: cancel & reschedule – November 15th, will probably only be 1 ½ hours
    • Discussion ensued regarding logistics.  It was determined that small group chat rooms were not a possibility and that the conversation would continue over email.  It was decided that there would be two webinars – 10-11:30am and 1-2:30pm and that it will be recorded so that people who can’t make it can listen later.  We will re-advertise and re-send out the survey.  Discussion ended with Amanda agreeing to do research about how to do a webinar on what to do with lost/damaged books.  She will present at the November 1st meeting.
      ​Discussion about whether webinar will be Voice-Over IP or Phone-in.  The presenter will have to have a headset and Lorna will set up Adobe Presenter at the next meeting.
  • White Paper – Amanda
    Still working on compiling & summarizing data, will get items out to everyone in next week

New Business

  • Replace Dan on committee
    • Lorna to look @ list of volunteers & bring in a person who didn’t get on another committee
    • After discussion, it was decided that we won’t bring anyone in before the committee restructures because it was Dan’s last year.
  • Debbie will be working on Shelflister 3.0
  • Janelle sent mobile app to Resource Sharing team.