Attending: Lorna Engels (CARLI), Amanda Musacchio (Chair), Jen Funk, Howard Carter, Janelle Sander, Matt Ostercamp, Sarah McHone-Chase, Amanda Pippitt., and Sandy Harris,
Not Attending: Kathy Willis
Minutes approved
CARLI Website
- New website in coming the fall, not sure of exact date
- Important CARLI Home Page Links
- System Status Page – Status of Voyager system
- CALRI Blog – currently not big resource sharing presence but we can add content
- CARLI Newsletter Archives (includes current edition)
- CARLI Calendar – listing of CARLI events and meetings
Question about phone connection at meetings. Members can use regular phones but CARLI must use UIUC VOIP and currently there are problems with webinars
- Boards and Committees Menu
- Resource Sharing Scope of the Work – likely will be broadened to include more than IShare but other resource sharing
- Training Menu
- Member training link has a lot of information from past forums back to 2006
- Other training materials also provided
- Annual member transcripts
Question about highlighting the best practices documents. Where are they and can they be easier to find on the new website.
Best Practices at: Member Products > IShare >Circ and UB
Suggestion to improve searching on the CARLI webpage
Question about finding CARLI Wiki (link on front page). Discussion of how to encourage people to update the wiki and its relation to the CARLI wiki
Review of CARLI directory of Resource Sharing Team members
Question about a way to identify correct ILDS code for non-IShare libraries
Susan Singleton
- Welcome & thanks
- CARLI Committees & Teams
- CARLI inherited the current committees from previous consortium
- Instruction team has asked why we are limited to IShare instruction
- Board has asked that we rethink committee structure
- Board goals
- promote inter-committee work
- expand the number who can share on committee – not just IShare
- increase board connection with committee group members
- Additional goals
- Want flexible structure that allows for temporary collaboration between groups
- Want to simplify the types of committees we have
- Want to rethink the charge of the IShare committees
- Other CARLI News
- RFP coming in the fall for PDA ebook project
- Initially CARLI funded to demonstrate demand for ebooks
- New website is coming in the fall
- “Getting to know you” initiative
- 3 people per meeting asked to bring a 1 page description of library
- What they do, and what their biggest challenges are
- Discuss the idea of promoting more sharing of DVD and what may be preventing the lending of media
- White paper should include some visioning of what we should be doing, how things should work – this is more important than review of current products
- We need to find a way for unfilled UB request to turn into an OCLC request
- Resource sharing could discuss how we might like this to work
New Business
Brainstorming of what we want to do this year
- Write a white paper on resource sharing in US and Canada
- Address the problem of sharing ebooks
- Demand driven acquisitions for consortial ebook buying
- Buy not borrow as a way to provide resources
- CARLI PDA experiments continue
- Purpose of ILL – academic/leisure uses
- Loaning of media in IShare
- Lending of articles
Evaluation of the past forums & new forum ideas
- Student Workers
- Explain the acronyms and lingo
- FISH training
- Unconference – discussion of ideas as background for white paper
Location of conference?
- Fall forum maybe on a Wednesday either Oct. 17 or 24
- Regular meeting first Thursday of the month at 2-3:30 in the afternoon
- Meeting Sept. 6, Oct. 4, Nov. 1, Dec. 6, Feb. 7, March 7, April 4, and May 2.
Shelf Lister – send ideas to Michael Doran. Not sure if 3.0 is working with CARLI collection.