Members Present: Amanda Musacchio (Adler School of Professional Psychology), Matt Ostercamp (North Park University), Dan Patterson (Chicago School of Professional Psychology), Amanda Pippitt (Millikin University), Rachelle Stivers (Heartland Community College), Kathy Willis (Elmhurst College), Pam Greenlee (Olivet Nazarene University), Sandy Harris (Olivet Nazarene University), Peggy Roth (WIU), Lorna Engels (CARLI), Mel Farrell (CARLI).
Members Absent: Sarah McHone-Chase (NIU), Howard Carter (SIUC, IUG liaison)
Minutes: Peggy Roth
Meeting called to order at 2:00pm
March minutes approved
Kathy’s Report
- Spring forum– lot of good feedback – feel it went well – people liked being able to talk and give feedback – room was a good setup for forum – forum material up on website - good presentations for afternoon session
- Kathy posted draft of annual report last week – Lorna forwarded to IUG
CARLI report (Mel & Lorna)
- Michael Durand’s Shelflister 3.0 is out for review. Dewey call number is now available on shelflister if do not have barcodes. Optimized for IPAD and can be used with Blue Tooth scanner. Location agnostic is nice – so can display many locations. Asked her supervisor to start a shelflister 3.0 upgrade. Can test without an IPAD.
- Been doing committee volunteers – have recommendations for three replacements. Tom Dorst will be sending out letters.
- Amanda Musacchio has graciously accepted the chair for next year
- No need for a meeting in June.
- First meeting in July will be face to face and will figure the best for the rest of the committee.
- Lorna will be the only CARLI person on committee.
- From forum – question - Circulating media – can CARLI subsidize packaging or protective wrapping – would have to suggest it to IUG.
Next meeting will be July and will be made after letters go out to new members.