Date/Location: 9/5/2018, Conference Call
Members attending:
Anne Armstrong, University of Illinois at Chicago; Tim Lockman, Kishwaukee College; Marielle McNeal (co-chair), North Park University; Christina Norton, Heartland Community College; Matthew Olsen, Millikin University; Mackenzie Salisbury (co-chair) , School of the Art Institute of Chicago; Rebecca Yowler, Knox College
Members absent: Amy Hall, National-Louis University; Molly Mansfield, Dominican University; Mackenzie Salisbury (co-chair), School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Staff attending: Debbie Campbell; Lorna Engels
Guests: (none)
- Minutes of the 8/8/18 meeting were approved prior to the meeting.
- The meeting was adjourned at 1:30pm.
- The theme for the year will be Library Instruction for Diverse Populations
- We will host webinars in December and March on these topics.
- A panel might be a good idea so we can discuss numerous populations in one webinar.
- Finalize speaker by November for the December webinar.
- Speaker agreement has to be filled out before the webinar takes place.
- Honorarium for speakers from non-CARLI-member-libraries is not out of the question, but it does have to go through the board.
- Populations to focus on include: LGBTQ+ (especially gender issues), First Generation, and International Students
- CARLI did get the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program grant, in the amount of $243,885. "CARLI Counts: Analytics and Advocacy for Service Development," is a three-year project beginning October 1, 2018
- There are still workshops on Voyager Access Reporting upcoming; even if they are full there is a waitlist
- New VuFind: course reserve link has been adjusted, otherwise recent changes have been minor
Tasks assigned:
- Rebecca will post to the Instruction listserv regarding orientation.
- Marielle will create a Google doc for potential webinars and presenters.
- Marielle and Mackenzie will coordinate the One Page Summary for the annual meeting and send it through Google docs for collaboration/comment.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines:
- Next Meeting: 10/3/18, 1-2:30 pm
- CARLI Annual Meeting, November 2, Champaign
- Marielle and Mackenzie will attend.
- Schedule of Instruction Committee Meetings:
- 11/7/18, 1-2:30 pm
- 12/5/18, 1-2:30 pm
- 1/2/19, 1-2:30 pm (should we move this one?)
- 2/6/19, 1-2:30 pm
- 3/6/19, 1-2:30 pm
- 4/3/19, 1-2:30 pm
- 5/1/19, 1-2:30 pm